Season of Waitingنمونه

Season of Waiting

روز 2 از 5

Continuing in Faith


“They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you.” -- Jeremiah 1:19 NLT


Jeremiah was a young man when God called him to stand against nations and pass along His own words of coming judgment, condemn false worship and social injustice, but also to share about future restoration and hope. Before Jeremiah was sent, God warned him that times of hardships were to come his way but to not fear because He would be with him and take care of him. Throughout the book of Jeremiah, we see the “fight” that God was speaking of in the first chapter. After several years of preaching, Jeremiah’s own family turned against him and plotted to kill him. Jeremiah got arrested, whipped, was threatened by a king, attacked by a mob, and ridiculed by many. Jeremiah, though speaking the words of the Lord, is accused of lying, gets framed for being a traitor, is thrown into prison, and ends up in a deep and dry well. The people wanted him dead. They wanted him gone. We flip to the next page expecting Jeremiah to call it quits, to tell God to pick someone else, that he is done. But Jeremiah stays. He stays. He continues to press on and continues the work God has laid before Him. Jeremiah remains faithful and believes in God’s promise, “They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you.”

We are living in a season of where anything could happen. Every season is filled with some difficult circumstances and some deep disappointments. When these difficult times appear in our lives, we weep, become saddened, and sometimes sense a loss of hope. We did not ask for this. We are stuck in the unknown. We do not know how long it will last.

Jeremiah did not either.

Jeremiah is often called the weeping prophet—we can tell and read of all he had to weep about. His difficult circumstances and way of life had a great impact on him. However, we see that Jeremiah’s lasting impression is not one of weeping, but one of hope. Just like Jeremiah, it is human nature to feel upset and weep about our difficult circumstances. However, Jeremiah shows us that Jesus is sovereign and faith in Him is vital. God told Jeremiah that troubling times lay ahead of him. He also told us.

Throughout the New Testament, we read Jesus’s words of what lies ahead. The Bible does not shy away from the hardships this world will throw at us. Jesus speaks clearly of the corrupt world we live in. Just like Jeremiah, Scripture warns us, “they will fight you…,” but God affirms us by saying “I am with you, and I will take care of you.”

What are some main themes of the Bible and words we read countless times in Scripture? Do not be afraid. Trust in God. Have faith. Throughout these difficult times surrounding sports, school, and everyday life, we must see that faith and trust will get us through. God knows the plans He has for us. They are good plans; plans of goodness and plans of hope. We must trust God, and our faith in Him must be our security.


  • How does Jeremiah’s life empower or encourage you in difficult times?
  • What are some of the difficulties today that are causing you to weep?
  • How can you encourage your own team this season to remain faithful in God?


Jeremiah 29:10-14; Jeremiah 42:10-11; Jeremiah 20:11-12


“God, thank You that You are holding me near and drawing me close. Even when it does not feel like it, I know You are with me, fighting for me, and have a good plan for my life. Help my faith become stronger, my trust to increase, and my fear to decrease. Amen.”

Arbor Diggs

روز 1روز 3

دربارۀ اين برنامۀ مطالعه

Season of Waiting

As competitors, sitting the bench, getting rained out, or recovering from an injury can be difficult to wait out. We’re hungry to play and compete in our sport. As Christians, waiting for God’s timing in difficult times can be just as difficult. In this 5-day plan, we’ll explore the best biblical examples of “waiting it out” in hopes to strengthen your patience, guide your peace, and motivate your perseverance.
