Extreme Devotion: Good from Evilنمونه

Extreme Devotion: Good from Evil

روز 4 از 5

eXtreme Missions

Their Plan Backfired

Pastor Norbu Promila was pleased with the service as he preached to the tribal people in the mountains of Bhutan. Those gathered seemed especially attentive and open to the Good News. Then in the middle of the sermon, police rushed in through every door, stormed the stage, and forcibly grabbed Norbu. Pastor Promila was thrown in prison and tortured, and the authorities ordered him to forsake his call to preach the gospel. He received massive head trauma, and when authorities finally let him go, there was permanent injury to his body. He returned home, where his wife and children were shocked at his bruised and bloodied face. Ten days later, he died as a result of his wounds. Pastor Promila’s congregation in this militant Hindu kingdom refused to give up his mission. Shortly after his death, they met together and called for volunteers to continue Norbu’s work among the tribal people. Five hands went up, one of which belonged to his wife. She answered God’s call to missions while also caring for her five children. She ministered faithfully, and she and the other workers have seen many tribal people won to Christ. God provided for her needs and her children’s. Mrs. Promila held fast to the knowledge that one day she would see her husband again and be rewarded for her faithfulness to Christ.

What we do for the Lord is not just a job—it’s a mission. A mission is never about an individual’s responsibilities. It is singly focused on Christ and His kingdom. Therefore, someone at the helm of God’s work in a particular area may leave, but the mission itself never dies. God’s work is never left undone; it goes on forever to its completion. Those who are willing to undergo persecution for their faith teach us about the meaning of mission. They recognize that there are only two things that last for eternity: God’s work and human souls. When we are willing to invest our lives in these things, we are involved in a mission with eternal significance.

روز 3روز 5

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Extreme Devotion: Good from Evil

God, in the mystery of His sovereignty, knows what is best for His children. Even when outward appearances indicate that all is lost, it is not. God takes what Satan intended for evil and turns it for His glory and His good. As you read the stories of persecuted Christians, be inspired that God is at work in your life as well.
