The Daring Dadنمونه
So often I look back at the day, the week, or the month and reflect on the good and the bad in my life. Ways I have lived my life like Jesus, and ways my life hasn’t looked like Jesus. Sometimes I walk away feeling solid; other days my mistakes outweigh my obedience. What do you do in the times when you fail? When you are wrong. When you didn’t show up when you said you would. When you forgot an important day or event. When you belittled, yelled, got angry or became selfish. How do you respond? Do you ignore it, sweep it under the rug, or act like it wasn’t a big deal?
Jesus doesn’t deal with us according to our wrong choices and mistakes. He removes those sins from us and shows us complete compassion. So often we believe Jesus has forgiven us, but we believe if we confess those same mistakes to other people, we will be left out on an island all alone. And . . . we might! But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t admit when we are wrong and ask forgiveness for those times when we've messed up.
I DARE YOU to admit to your kids and wife one thing you have gotten wrong and ask them to forgive you today. Forgiveness.
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Being a dad is difficult. You have so much responsibility. So much to do. Many of us put being a dad on the back burner - until we find ourselves in a place we don't want to be. I dare you to be a great dad.