Courage in the Stormنمونه

Courage in the Storm

روز 6 از 6

Walk In Courage

Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Jewish theologian, said, “A faith like Job’s cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken.” God is building us up through the storm. They are either perfecting storms, and He is perfecting us in our lives, or they are correcting storms, and He is getting our attention to get us back on track.

The disciples were startled, and Jesus told them to have courage. Choose courage over fear. It is typically at night that we are awake worrying. It is when your body finally calms down that the fire alarm goes off in your head alerting you to all of your problems. God is at work in the darkest part of the night. It says in the Scriptures that Jesus saw the disciples struggling and “shortly before dawn He went out towards them.” Jesus is walking towards you at dusk even when you feel distant. God’s coming through Christ.  

Lastly, do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? If you don’t, I encourage you to accept Him in your heart as your Savior. What that means is that you say, “Lord, earth isn’t going to do it for me. My works aren’t going to do it for me. I’m not going to ever be enough to make it to heaven, and I want to trust You, Jesus, to be my Savior. I want to trade my unrighteousness for Your righteousness. I want the cross to mean something in my soul and I want to say, ‘Lord, I want You to be my Savior. Wash me free of my sin. Forgive me of my sins. I’m trusting Your cross and Your resurrection, and I need You.’’

What happens next? You begin to have a relationship with God. Earth can be great. Man, I love a good meal. I love good friends. I love what I get to do. Despite all this, I am not going to overestimate earth and underestimate heaven. I am going to let earth get me ready for heaven as I walk through these trials and these storms to know that Jesus is on His way.

Are you in a storm? You’re either going into a storm, in a storm, or just came out of one. Those are the three choices on planet Earth. That’s all you get. Let Jesus be right there with you. Walk in faith and in courage, trusting that He sees you. 

Please look for the next plan of the Follower Series called: Courage In The Storm part 2. 

We adapted this plan from

روز 5

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Courage in the Storm

When you're going through a storm, Jesus can show up when you least expect it and do something you could never imagine. Rest and trust in knowing that His eye is on you and His prayers are for you.
