Mayday! Mayday! A Distress Call To Prayerنمونه

Mayday! Mayday! A Distress Call To Prayer

روز 1 از 9

Elohim: The Strong One

We worship You, great God of Creation, as Elohim, the Strong One. You were in the beginning. You will be at The End. You always have been and You always will be. You are the Creator who brings forth something out of nothing, who formed man from dust, who turns darkness into light, who makes the world turn, who sustains all things by Your powerful word...(listen for more)


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روز 2

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Mayday! Mayday! A Distress Call To Prayer

MAYDAY! MAYDAY! is an international distress call that signals a life-threatening emergency. And it is also the call to cry out that Anne Graham Lotz issued for our world. These nine prayers are to represent the nine days between the Day of the Ascension of Jesus and the Day of Pentecost that have Biblically and traditionally been days of prayer and fasting for an outpouring of God’s Spirit.
