Smith Wigglesworth Devotional نمونه

Smith Wigglesworth Devotional

روز 12 از 14

Freedom from Fear

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.”
—1 John 4:18

Never be afraid of anything. There are two things in the world: one is fear, the other faith. One belongs to the Devil, the other to God. If you believe in God, there is no fear. If you sway toward any delusion of Satan, you will be brought into fear. Fear always brings bondage. There is a place of perfect love for Christ in which you are always casting out all fear and you are living in the place of freedom. (1 John 4:18.) Be sure that you never allow anything to make you afraid. God is for you; who can be against you (Romans 8:31)?

The reason why so many people have gone into Christian Science is that the church is barren; it does not have the Holy Spirit. Christian Science exists because the churches have a barren place where the Holy Spirit has not been allowed to rule. There would be no room for Christian Science if the churches were filled with the Holy Spirit. But because the churches had nothing, then the needy people went to the Devil to fill the void, and he persuaded them that they had something. Now the same people are coming out knowing they have had nothing—only a wilderness experience.

Let us save ourselves from all this trouble by letting the Holy Spirit fill our hearts. Don’t depend on any past tense, any past momentum, but let the anointing be upon you, let the presence and the power be upon you. Are you thirsty, longing, desiring? Then God will pour out of His treasures all you need. God wants to satisfy us with His great, abounding, holy love, imparting love upon love and faith upon faith.

If you have fallen short, it is because you refused the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit be light in you to lighten even the light that is in you, and no darkness will befall you; you will be kept in the middle of the road.

Be careful when anybody comes to you with a sugar-coated pill or a slimy tongue. The Spirit of the Lord always deals with truth. Give the Devil the biggest chase of his life by saying these words: “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

Look to the coming of the Lord. Be at peace; live in peace; forgive. Never bear malice; don’t hold any grudge against anybody. Forgive everybody. It does not matter whether they forgive you or not, you must forgive them. Live in forgiveness; live in repentance; live wholeheartedly. Set your house in order, for God’s Son is coming to take what is in the house.

Thought for today: The cause of all deterioration is refusal of the Holy Spirit.

روز 11روز 13

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Smith Wigglesworth Devotional

Your faith will expand as you read these challenging insights into faith-filled living by noted evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, the “Apostle of Faith.” You will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results when ministering to others. “God is more eager to answer than we are to ask,” says Wigglesworth.
