30 Days In The Gospel Of Markنمونه

30 Days In The Gospel Of Mark

روز 12 از 30


We’ve seen Jesus address the topic of “uncleanness” a few times throughout Mark. Remember, the Pharisees were very religious Jewish leaders who followed lots of extra rules that they thought would make them holier. In the Old Testament, there was a concept of “uncleanness,” which meant that people could not be in the presence of their holy God. Jesus clarified to the people that faith is not about outward ceremonies. It is about what comes from the inside, from the heart. Actions that we do on the outside (what we eat, practices we participate in) do not make us sinful or make us clean from sin. Rather, it is what we do because of how we are on the inside (act greedily because we are selfish, gossip because we are unkind) that makes us sinful. Only Jesus can wash us clean from these sins. Nothing, no ceremony, no list of rules we follow, not even attending church, can make us clean from sin except for Jesus. It is He who saves us. Our salvation is not dependent on our works but on Christ’s grace extended to us at the cross.

1. What was wrong with the way the Pharisees were thinking?

2. What did Jesus teach about tradition?

3. According to Jesus, what makes a person “unclean”?

4. What is more important—outward tradition or inward faith?


What traditions does your church have? Traditions can be helpful and good, but we must keep them in their proper place. Traditions are meant to help us follow Jesus. They cannot save us or make us less sinful. Think of a tradition from your church. Write down one way you can keep this tradition in its proper perspective.

Deeper Waters:

Read Mark 7:5-13 . How were the Pharisees being hypocritical?

روز 11روز 13

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30 Days In The Gospel Of Mark

Take your next step in your walk with Jesus as you venture through the Gospel of Mark. Each day includes a short passage from Mark and engaging context and questions.
