Hollywood Prayer Network On Comfortنمونه

Hollywood Prayer Network On Comfort

روز 4 از 7


"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread."  Viktor E. Frankl

PRAY: Praise be to You, God the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, You the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. Thank You that You comfort me in all my troubles and that You then let me comfort others who are in trouble, with the comfort that I've received from You. Lord, help me remember that though I share in your sufferings, I also receive Your abundant comfort whenever I need it, through Christ Jesus. Thank You for always being there for me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
REFLECT: It's important to realize that God comforts us, not only for ourselves, but so that we can then turn around and comfort others. God gives us everything we need in order to be ministers of the Gospel to other people. Are there people around you who need comforting and you never thought that you could be the one to comfort them? God tells us that our comfort abounds through Christ. Have you fully understood that before? How will that change your response to those around you who are going through hard, stressful, scary or intense days? Reflect on how you can share all that Christ has given you.
ACT:  Reach out to someone today who needs comforting and offer the compassion and comfort that God has so abundantly given to you. Show that friend or family member God's comfort through your actions. Even if you don't feel like it, remember that God has given you enough comfort to give it away.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Comfort

We all live busy, hectic, stressful lives and sometimes we would do anything to just feel peace, rest, and comfort. God has sent us the Comforter to give us peace, He promises to take away our weariness, if we trust in Him. Let’s look at how we can find comfort in our lives through the scriptures this week.
