Journal ~ Proverbsنمونه

Journal ~ Proverbs

روز 10 از 30


To the people in Proverbs days, living off the land is a constant struggle. At any time, the weather may change and they will lose their crops. At any time, a band of bandits or foreign armies might invade their camp and they will lose their family and their savings. To thrive in one place in those days is a hard-fought living.

In our modern and urban economy, this passage may seem out of place and out of date. We don't grow crops and flocks and we don't have to struggle with cold weather or extra-long and hot summers. In our world, there’s no scarcity of food and there’s  a professional army that will protect us from harm at all times. We can thrive easily in the land.

However, what we really need to see here is the underlying truth of what Solomon is promoting. God is interested in our inner being and closely examines our hearts. Whatever land, whatever city, whatever country we chose to live in, means less to him. It is the uprightness of our hearts that will bring God’s favor in our lives.

روز 9روز 11

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Journal ~ Proverbs

Although the Proverbs seems like a loosely composed wisdom sayings, on a whole they actually present Christians with an opportunity to contemplate Christ who is wisdom in the flesh. The Proverbs that are selected invites you to a practice of 'ora et labora' , we contemplate Christ and work in his world—the essence of Christian life.
