Pray While You're Prey Devotion For Singles, Part VIIنمونه

Pray While You're Prey Devotion For Singles, Part VII

روز 3 از 7

Do Not Settle 

Quote from Pray While You’re Prey:

“…women have been so indoctrinated with the ideas that we need to get married and that a single woman is a second-class citizen that we may not realize that being a married woman is way too high on our priority list. As a result, we may make compromises during our hunt that we wouldn’t normally make, all for the sake of not being alone.”

A while back, I received a call from the car dealership where I leased my vehicle. They said that they wanted my car back early. They said that they needed used cars like mine that were well taken care of and would make sure that I drove off in a newer car at an affordable price. I went into the dealership; I met a salesman who seemed nice enough. I explained why I was there, that I did not have much time, and that I just wanted to explore my options. Well, they took my keys to “check out my car,” took me on a test drive, and then started this very long process of trying to harass me into settling for a new car with a huge increase in payment. I stood up, demanded to have my car keys, and left.

Weeks later, I got a call from the same dealership, with the same speech. I told the person on the phone that it was my intention to NEVER visit that dealership again because they treated me as if I was an idiot and held me hostage. The salesman begged me to give them another chance. So I did. I went in, I confidently told the salesman what price range would make me leave with a new car; not one penny over it. I let him know that I was not in the mood for any games. Though the paperwork process seemed to take a really long time, my old car was taken back by the dealership and I drove off in a new car with the payment that I asked for and a care package at no extra cost.

If I had compromised a few months ago, I would have regretted it. There was a part of me that wanted to settle just so that I did not have to deal with the decision of what to do with my car. Nevertheless, I stuck to my guns, and this time around, I demanded respect and integrity. I got what I desired and then some.

For the sake of not feeling alone or not feeling like a failure, how many times do we settle? How many times do we forget that our God is greater than our circumstances and if we will wait on Him, He will fulfill our every need? How many times do we ask Him to bless us, but then ignore His commands or live a life that is not pleasing to Him? This is not a story about God blessing me with a car because I am some perfect Christian. Yes, He gets all honor and praise for my new car. Still, I know that nothing I did or ever will do merits His favor and saving grace. Yet, God is willing to allow us to not have to compromise for less than we deserve when we are confident in Him and live according to His Word. So, trust God only and do not settle.


Thank You, God for being a God that hears my prayers and answers them with the best answer at the right time.

Please forgive me for not believing that You will keep Your promises and settling for things of this world.

Lord, please help me to hold out until my change comes.

In Jesus’ Name,


روز 2روز 4

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Pray While You're Prey Devotion For Singles, Part VII

From the book, “Pray While You’re Prey: How God Turned my Loneliness and Frustration into Contentment and Commitment,” this Bible plan provides an uplifting look through Scripture during seasons of singleness, bringing   encouragement to you and others while honoring God. This is the 7th, and final, part of the series. Parts I-VI are also available on this app.    
