Mark 12

The ill‐deedie crofters. The great commaun. The weedow‐wumman and her fardin.
1And he begude to speak to them in parables. “A man set oot a vine‐yaird, and biggit a waʼ aboot it, and howkit a vat, and set up a tooer, and let it oot to crofters, and gaed aff intil anither kintra.
2“And he sent a servin‐man to the crofters at the season, to hae frae the crofters oʼ the frute oʼ the vine‐yaird.
3“And they grippit him, and dang him, and sent him toom awaʼ.
4“And again he sent to them anither oʼ his servants, and him they cloured on the heid, and did shamefuʼ by him.
5“And again he sent anither; and him they slew; and mony mair; whiles dingin them, and whiles slayin them.
6“Yet had he ane, a tenderly?-?loʼed son: he sent him last to them, sayin, ‘They will honor my son!’
7“But thae crofters coonsellʼt amang their sels, ‘This is the heir! Come awa! lat us kill him; and we may seize on his hame‐haddin!’
8“And they grippit him and slew him, and cuist him oot oʼ the vine‐yaird.
9“And noo, what sal the laird oʼ the vine‐yaird do? He wull come, and destroy the crofters, and gie the vine‐yaird ower to ithers.
10“Hae ye never read this writin, ‘The stane that was refused oʼ thae that biggit, the same is made heid oʼ the corner!
11“ ‘This cam to pass frae the Lord, and it is an unco ferlie in oor eʼen!’ ”
12And they ettled to lay haud oʼ him; but they war fleyʼt oʼ aʼ the folk; for they saw he had spoken this parable anent them: and leavin him, they gaʼed aff.
13And they send to him oʼ the Pharisees,#12:13 The Pharisees and Herodians war at dagger‐points atween theirsels; but they could join thegither in plottin again Christ! We whiles see the same thing in oor ain day! and they oʼ Herod, that they micht snare him in his talk.
14And comin to him, they say, “Maister, we ken that ye are true, and are swayed by nae man; for ye care‐na for the looks oʼ a man, but oʼ a truth are teachin the way oʼ God: Is it richt for us to pay dues to Cesar, or no?
15“Sal we gie, or sal we refuse?” But he, seein their fauseness, said to them, “Why‐for are ye tempin me? Schaw me a siller‐penny that I may see.”
16And they feshʼt it. And quoʼ he till them, “Whaʼs face and inscription is this?” And they said till him, “Cesarʼs.”
17And Jesus said to them, “The things oʼ Cesar aye gie ye to Cesar, and the things oʼ God to God!” And they war astonished at him.
18And thar cam to him the Sadducees, wha say, “Risin‐again thar is nane;” and they speirʼt at him, sayin,
19“Maister! Moses pat doon for us. Gin a manʼs brither dee, and leaʼ ahint a wife, and lea nae bairn, that his brither soud tak his wife, and raise up seed to his brither.
20“Thar war seeven brithers; and the first took a wife, and deeʼt, leaʼin nae bairn;
21“And the second took her; and deein, left nae bairn ahint him; and the third as weel.
22“And the seeven left nae bairn; and, hinmaist oʼ aʼ, the wumman deeʼt.
23“At the Up‐risin, than, whase wife sal she be oʼ them? for the seeven had her for wife?”
24Jesus said to them, “Div ye no gang wrang, for this vera cause, that ye kenna the Scripturs, and Godʼs pooer?
25“For whan they sal rise frae the deid, they naither mairry, nor are gien in mairriage; but are as the Angels in Heeven.
26“But anent the Risin‐frae‐the‐deid, did ye never read iʼ the buik oʼ Moses — ‘Anent the Buss#12:26 See Luke 20:37; note.’ — how God spak till him, sayin, ‘I am the God oʼ Abraʼm, and God oʼ Isaac, and God oʼ Jaucob!’
27“He isna the God oʼ deid men, but oʼ the leevin! Ye this way uncolie deceive yersels.”
28And ane oʼ the Scribes cam forrit, and heard them reasonin, and seein that he had answerʼt them weel, speirʼt at him, “Whilk is the first ane oʼ the Commandments?”
29Jesus answerʼt him, “The first oʼ aʼ is, ‘Hear ye, O Israʼl! the Lord oor God, the Lord, is ane:
30“ ‘And ye sal#12:30 A hantle folk wad like a rule to gang by. Tak ye this 30th verse! Gin God has my heart — than my time, my freends, my interests — aʼ maun follow: as a lamb follows its minnie. loʼe the Lord yere God wiʼ aʼ yere heart, and wiʼ aʼ yere saul, and wiʼ aʼ yere mind, and wiʼ aʼ yere micht;’ this, a first commaun.
31“And a second like it; this: ‘Ye sal loʼe yeʼre neebor as yersel.’ Heigher than thir, oʼ commauns thar is nane!”
32And the Scribe said to him, “Weel, Maister; oʼ a truth said ye that he is ane, and thar is nane ither but he;
33“And to loʼe him wiʼ aʼ the heart, and wiʼ aʼ the understaunin, and wiʼ aʼ the saul, and wiʼ aʼ aneʼs micht — and to loʼe aneʼs neebor as aneʼs selʼ, is far mair than aʼ the hail?-?brunt offerans and sacrifeeces!”
34And whan Jesus saw that he answerʼt discreet, he said to him, “Ye are‐na far frae Godʼs Kingdom!” And syne eftir that, nae man daur speir at him quaistens.
35And Jesus answerʼt, and quoʼ he, as he was teachin iʼ the Temple, “What way say the Scribes that the Christ is Dauvidʼs son?
36“Dauvid his sel says, by the Holie Spirit, ‘The Lord says#12:36 The Jews seemed set on no lookin at thae Scripturs that tauld oʼ Christʼs divinity. They wad hae it that the Messiah was juist a Conquerin Prince. Wrang thochts lead on to wrang deeds. They first had wrang thochts aboot the Messiah, and than killed him because he didna fit in wiʼ their wrang thochts. to my Lord, Sit thou on my richt haun, till I mak thy faes thy fit‐brod!’
37“David his sel names him ‘Lord’; and frae whaur‐awa is he than his son?” And aʼ the thrang listened to him gladly.
38And in his teachin, quoʼ he, “Tak tent oʼ the Scribes! wha like to gang aboot in lang goons, and loʼe compliments iʼ the merkits,
39“And preferred seats iʼ the kirk, and heid places at feasts:
40“Wha devoor weedowsʼ hames, and iʼ their deceit mak lang prayers: thir sal hae the deeper condemnation.”
41And he set his sel doon fornent the Treasury; and a hantle oʼ them that war rich cuist in muckle.
42And thar cam ane, a puir weedow; and she cuist in twa mites, that mak a fardin.
43And he caʼd till him his ain disciples, and quoʼ he, “Truly say I tʼye, this puir weedow has cuisten in mair than aʼ they that are castin intil the Treasury.
44“For aʼ they, oot oʼ their owercome hae cuisten in; but she oot oʼ her poortith did cast in aʼ she had — eʼen aʼ her leevin!”

انتخاب شده:

Mark 12: SCO1904


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