Luke 21
The weedow at the Treasury. Jerusalemʼs weird.
1And, raisin his een, he saw the rich men drappin their gifts intil the Treasury.
2And he saw a particular puir weedow, drappin in twa mites.
3And he spak: “Truly say I tʼye, this puir weedow has cuisten in mair nor they aʼ!
4“For ane‐and‐aʼ oʼ thir, oot oʼ their rowth oʼ gear drappit intil Godʼs gifts; but she oot oʼ her poortith cuist in aʼ she had!”
5And whan some war tellin aboot the Temple, hoo it was buskit wiʼ bonnie stanes and offerans, he said,
6“As to thir things ye look at, the days wull come whan no ae stane sal be left on anither, that sal‐na be dung doon.”
7And they speirʼt at him, “Maister; whan, than, sal thir things be? and whatna token sal be gien whan thir things are comin to pass?”
8And he said, “Tak tent that ye be‐na misleared! for a hantle wull come iʼ my name sayin, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time has come!’ — Gang‐ye‐na eftir them!
9“And, whan ye may hear oʼ wars and tulzies, be‐ye‐na fleyʼt; for thir things maun come aboot; but the end is no belyve.”
10Than said he to them, “Nation wull rise again nation, and kingdom again kingdom;
11“And eke great yirdins, and plagues, and famines wull thar be; unco things oʼ dreid, and great tokens iʼ the lift wull thar be.
12“And, afore aʼ thae things, they wull lay hauns on ye; and wull persecute — giean ye up to kirks and dungeons — leadin awa afore kings and governors for my nameʼs sake.
13“But it sal aʼ be for you a testimonie.
14“Sae, hae it siccar in yere hearts, no to be putten‐oot aforehaun aboot makin defence;
15“For I wull gie ye a mooth and wyssheid that no ane oʼ thae settin their sels again ye sal be fit to staun up again!
16“But yeʼse be gien up, eʼen by parents, and brithers, and kin, and freends: and theyʼse pit some oʼ ye to deid;
17“And yeʼse be hatit by aʼ men, for my nameʼs sake:
18“But no a hair oʼ yere heid sal perish!
19“But patiently thole, and mainteen yere sauls.
20“Hoobeit, whan yeʼse see Jerusalem rinkit roond wiʼ airmies, than tak tent that her desolation draws nar!
21“Than, they in Judea, lat them flee to the mountains! and they iʼ the mids oʼ her, lat them escape! and they oot‐by, lat them no come hame to her!
22“For thae are days oʼ vengeance, for aʼ that is putten‐doon to be fulfilled!
23“But wae for weeman bearin, and for them giean the breist iʼ thae days! For unco distress sal be on the land, and wrath to this folk!
24“And they sal faʼ aneath the sword, and wull be taen awa captives ʼmang aʼ nations; and Jerusalem sal be trampit‐doon by the nations, to the time oʼ the nations come!
25“And thar sal be signs iʼ the #21:25 Sun, and mune, and starns, and pooers oʼ the heevens, seem aye to mean, in prophecie, kings, and rulers, and governments. Itʼs no sae like, that thae far‐awa warlds wad be affectit by things oʼ this yirth. But, servant oʼ God! bide yere time! Itʼll aʼ come richt!mune and the starns; and on the yirth pangs and troubles iʼ the nations; sea and billows soondin:
26“Men swarfin for fear and dreid oʼ the things owertakin aʼ the yirth! for the pooers oʼ the heevens sal be cuisten doon.
27“And than sal they see the Son oʼ Man comin in a clud, wiʼ aʼ his pooer and glorie!
28“And, whan thir things begin to come on, rise ye! lift up yere heids! for yere redemption comes apace!”
29And he gied them a parable: “Look at the fig‐tree, and aʼ the trees!
30“At siccan a time as they bud, ye lookin on, oʼ yere ain sels ken that simmer is comin.
31“Sae eʼen ye, whan ye see thir things comin aboot, tak tent that the Kingdom oʼ God is nar‐haun!
32“Truly say I tʼye, In naegate sal this race fail, till aʼ thir things sal come!
33“The heevens and the yirth sal gang, but my words sal in naegate fail!
34“But tak ye tent to yere sels! that yere hearts be‐na owercome wiʼ debauch and druckenness, and fash aboot this life, and that day come on ye aʼ at ance, as a snare.
35“For in siclike sal it come on them wha dwall on aʼ the face oʼ the yirth.
36“But watch ye, at aʼ times, makin supplication that ye may hae strenth to escape aʼ thae things that are comin to pass, and to staun afore the Son oʼ Man.”
37And he was ilka day teachin iʼ the Temple; but at nicht he gaed oot, and bade iʼ the mount that is caʼd “The Mount oʼ Olives.”
38And aʼ the folk war comin at the dawin to him iʼ the Temple, to hear him.
انتخاب شده:
Luke 21: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.