Mark 8:35
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“For whasae fain wad save his life, sal tine it; but whasae sal tine his life for the sake oʼ me and the Gude‐Word, sal save it!
Mark 8:35 را جستجو کنید
Mark 8:36
“For what sal a man be betterʼt, gin he win the hail warld, and tine his ain saul?
Mark 8:36 را جستجو کنید
Mark 8:34
And caʼin till him the thrang, wiʼ his disciples, he said to them, “Wha ettles to follow me, lat him deny his ain sel, and tak up his cross, and come eftir me!
Mark 8:34 را جستجو کنید
Mark 8:37-38
“For what may a man gie, to niffer for his saul? “For whasae sal think shame oʼ me and my words, in this fause and sinfuʼ generation, the Son oʼ Man sal eke be ashamed oʼ him, whan he comes iʼ the glorie oʼ the Faither wiʼ the holie angels.
Mark 8:37-38 را جستجو کنید
Mark 8:29
And he speirʼt at them, “Wha say ye I am?” Peter answers and says to him, “Thou art the Anointit Ane!”
Mark 8:29 را جستجو کنید
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