Mark 4:39-40
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And he roused up, and challenged the winʼ; and said to the Loch, “Peace! Be quate!” And the winʼ gaed doon, and aʼ was lown. And he said to them, “Why soud ye be fleyʼd? Hae ye no yet faith?”
Mark 4:39-40 را جستجو کنید
Mark 4:41
And they war in unco terror; and quoʼ they ane till anither, “Wha can this be, that eʼen the winʼs and the waves obey him?”
Mark 4:41 را جستجو کنید
Mark 4:38
And he was iʼ the stern‐sheets oʼ the boat, sleepin on a wee pallet: and they rouse him, cryin, “Maister! care‐ye‐na that we perish?”
Mark 4:38 را جستجو کنید
Mark 4:24
And he said to them, “Tak tent what ye hear! in sic measur as ye gie, it sal be measurʼt to ye again — and mair!
Mark 4:24 را جستجو کنید
Mark 4:26-27
And he said, “Sae is Godʼs kingdom, as gin a man soud cast the seed on the yird; “And soud sleep and rise, nicht and day; and the seed soud braird, and be raxin oot, he kens‐na what way
Mark 4:26-27 را جستجو کنید
Mark 4:23
“Gin ony man has hearin to hear, lat him hear!”
Mark 4:23 را جستجو کنید
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