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Work as WorshipNäide

Work as Worship

DAY 3 OF 5

Integrity at Work

‘Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.’

(Proverbs 10:9 NLT)

Today’s verse is a very challenging one.

We know from other parts of scripture that whatever is done in the dark will eventually be brought out into the light, and today’s scripture also speaks to this kind of revelation and the need for integrity in how we behave - and work.

Demonstrating Christian values in the workplace – such as honesty and integrity – should always be at the forefront of our minds as we go about our daily business.

Taking shortcuts or acting with a lack of integrity can have devastating effects.

I once worked at an insurance company where life and medical insurance was offered. Now, by its very nature, the insurance field is very sales-focused. But my role was not sales. It was Quality Assurance.

My job was to listen to the sales calls made by the salesmen and saleswomen and ensure that all that they said was true, fair, and accurate. If it wasn’t, they would be pulled up on it and disciplined. Repeated offences could result in suspension or even losing their job entirely.

This job taught me to weigh and measure what I say and how I behave against the ‘rule book’ of the company. As I weighed and measured what the sales team said and claimed, it revealed to me that I too have a rule book – the Bible! And that one day I will find myself before a holy God who will ask me why I embellished on that particular job application or why I failed to confess that particular sin.

In working terms, we are called to perform our roles with the utmost integrity so as not to damage our witness as followers of Jesus.

If you show up late, do the bare minimum, have a bad attitude toward your coworkers, or persistently miss deadlines you are not displaying integrity in your work.

Friends, each place of work, and each role within it is an opportunity to show the character of God through how we interact and present ourselves. We must take seriously the account that we will have to give one day and remember to conduct ourselves with respect and in a pure fashion.

To do this means that we will have the peace of mind that we are doing our best for the Lord in our place of work and that we can one day face Him with humble assurance of the quality of our work.

To ignore this encouragement is to walk a fine line between stress and peace. It is stressful to take the crooked path. You will always be looking over your shoulder to see if anyone has noticed your shortcuts.

Let’s walk and work with integrity these days and know with quiet confidence that we are doing it all for the glory of God.


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Work as Worship

Work is part of God’s greater purpose for our lives. Scripture calls us to work with excellence, as if for the Lord, not man. But what if we saw work as worship? How would that change our mindset and actions? In this 5-day 'Work as Worship' devotional, we explore these questions to inspire and motivate you in your daily work.
