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Vessel of HonorNäide

Vessel of Honor

DAY 2 OF 6

Second Day

So if we have a duty to be vessels of honor to God, the question begs to be asked. What exactly is a vessel? What are vessels used for? Whose idea was it to create something like a vessel?

Vessels are containers with different shapes and sizes, but all share the common purpose of storing or transporting things from one place to another. A vessel was never created to be empty. If a vessel is empty then it lives a purposeless life. Vessels are used to house certain items until they are ready to be used. Vessels that carry oil, wine, or ashes are only temporarily full until the time comes when the substance is needed.

Vessels are also used to serve specific kinds of people. In Biblical times the poor normally had vessels made of clay and the rich had vessels made of gold or silver. The material that the vessel was made from was determined by the person who was going to use it.

Let us view the different purposes of vessels and see why it is so important to be vessels for God.

1. It does not matter what shape, size, age, race, or language you speak.

God wants to use any vessel that is willing to be used. All of mankind received the same mandate in Genesis 1:26. That is to have dominion and authority on Earth. To take care of this planet and its inhabitants. And all of mankind received the same commission in Matthew 28:18-20. There are no exceptions. We all share the common purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God on Earth. We need to transport the Presence, Love, Joy, Peace, and Righteousness that are found in Heaven to Earth. We are supposed to be conduits for the Holy Spirit to flow through.

2. Vessels were never created to be empty.

The whole point of the Cross that Jesus bore was so that we can be washed by His Blood, receive forgiveness for our sins, be saved, be represented to the Father as Spotless and Holy, and finally to receive the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us. My friend, if your Salvation Story ended the day you gave your life to Jesus I am excited to share with you that it was only the beginning of your journey. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and share His Heart everywhere you go.

3. We all carry certain gifts within us.

The Father placed inside each one of us something peculiar that plays a massive role in serving the people around us. Your gifting might be preaching, to some it might be to make music, to others it might be building, landscaping, or even being artistic. We all carry something that we can share with those around us. And the Church is the perfect place to get plugged in and start to use those gifts. As vessels, we cannot keep these gifts to ourselves. We are a Body and all have a part to play.

4. Vessels are used for specific people in specific places.

God will equip you, whether He wants to send you out on a missionary job, have you take care of the elderly, or minister to your local neighborhood. God will shape and mold you until you are ready to be used for His Honor and His Glory.

As we can see to be a vessel for God contains a massive responsibility but also a massive privilege. And if we desire to be used by God then we need to position ourselves correctly. Jesus Christ should be our only Foundation. As we walk with God, He helps us to become more like Jesus.

If we proclaim that we are children of God then our actions should also testify of that. As John says in his epistle (1 John 2:6), if we say we abide in Christ, we also ought to walk just as He walked. We cannot afford any longer to proclaim one thing with our mouths but deny it with our lifestyles.

God is not looking for people who are able, but for people who are available. He will take a nobody and turn them into someone who is great in His Kingdom.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Vessel of Honor

Everything and everyone has a Purpose in life. We are all designed to fulfill a specific function or role. This Plan assists in how to walk out your God-given design. God made you to be a vessel of honor, a vessel in His Hands to advance His Kingdom and give Him Glory. Take some time to discover what this means by embarking on this Plan.
