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Vessel of HonorNäide

Vessel of Honor

DAY 1 OF 6

First Day

Every human being was created with a desire in their heart to belong somewhere, to fulfill something, to accomplish something, and to have a Purpose in life. Unfortunately for some, that desire has been drowned by the fears and expectations of the world. To rediscover their Purpose they need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There is no better way for a product to be restored than in the hands of its manufacturer, and it is the same with humans. Only God Almighty, our Creator can restore our Purpose in us.

According to 2 Timothy, to fulfill our Purpose we need to be set apart for God’s use. Paul calls it “a vessel of honor”. God is a Holy God, and to be a servant in His Kingdom He wants to use His children that have been washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. The Blood of Jesus approves and the Holy Spirit enables us to serve in His Kingdom.

A vessel of honor is a vessel that has been set apart for a specific purpose. When we are in Christ and we are reborn, the old way of life has passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our default sinful setting has been done away with. We need to run away from it and embrace the New Life, the Righteous Life, and the Holy Life so that the Master can use us.

First John 2:16 states that there are three things that are not of the Father but are from the world. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. These are the things we need to flee so that we are not vessels that are used for ungodly things but rather that are trained and prepared to be used for the Master’s Good Will.

It takes discipline and consistency to live a life of commitment to God. We have to choose for ourselves if we want to be vessels of honor or of dishonor, vessels used by the Master or not. We as Christians cannot please the Holy Spirit one moment and satisfy our flesh the next moment. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24-25 that we need to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him. Romans chapter 6 is also very clear that we cannot serve both the world and the Father. Verse 2 says “How can we who died to sin live any longer in it?"

God is in the changing business and He wants to change you and me daily. He wants to restore us so that we can live a life of purpose and service in His Kingdom. Our first step is repentance, repentance is essential for our healing and for being set apart for Him. So as we start this journey of being set apart for God’s use, let us allow the Holy Spirit to work within us. Let us allow Him to change and transform us into the person He wants us to be.

Day 2

About this Plan

Vessel of Honor

Everything and everyone has a Purpose in life. We are all designed to fulfill a specific function or role. This Plan assists in how to walk out your God-given design. God made you to be a vessel of honor, a vessel in His Hands to advance His Kingdom and give Him Glory. Take some time to discover what this means by embarking on this Plan.
