Make or BreakNäide

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve met someone for the first time and it’s a little awkward? Once you’ve gotten through that awkward stage, talking and interacting becomes easier right? However, getting to the stage where you feel comfortable with them can be a little difficult, and sometimes certain things can make or break your relationship with them.
This is the same with God. When you start your relationship with him it can be scary and daunting. Sometimes when we are new in our journey with God we make decisions that can break our relationship with him. But that’s okay. When you are a new Christian it can be tough because you have to unlearn your bad habits and focus your life in a new direction. Being a Christian is hard.
We are not designed to be perfect, but walking with God can help us become a better person and create a better life. Sometimes all it takes is a reality check from a friend or God to realize that “hey maybe the way I've been acting is not so Christian like or maybe how I’m treating my friends isn’t how God would want me to treat them.” Getting out of those bad habits and creating new habits is difficult, especially if you are a new Christian. But when you ask God for help by saying “ hey God I know how I've been acting and treating my friends is wrong and not how you would treat them, can you show me how I can treat them better?”
By acknowledging your mistakes and bringing them to God can help strengthen your relationship with him as well as your friends. When we start a new friendship with someone, finding out what they are interested in can be a little difficult. You may be really interested in music and hoping they are too, but then you find out they are more interested in soccer than music. Sometimes these things can break a friendship because you don’t have the same interests as them.
But when you keep working toward getting to know them better and finding something you're both interested in can make the friendship worthwhile. This is the same with God. When we accept God into our hearts it can be difficult to understand the concept of reading the Bible, praying, worship, etc., but when we start to find something that helps us draw closer to him, the other things become a little easier. For me personally, I struggle with reading the Bible, but I’ve found that reading Bible plans like these have helped me understand and comprehend the Bible in a way that has made me enjoy reading.
So when you feel like your relationship with God is not at its best, think about what you could change in order to make or break your relationship.
About this Plan

Our relationships are one decision away from sinking or swimming. Every decision we make can break or make the relationships that we have with people and with God. How can we strengthen the relationships we have and be someone who people want to get to know.