Make or BreakNäide

Some days can just feel like everything is against you . . . surely it is not just me, hey?
Everything goes wrong, that assignment deletes, you get bad news, that boy or girl dumped you or friend-zoned you, you didn’t get that job or maybe people have been nasty. Some days it just feels like if one little thing goes wrong, it could just break you.
But do you know that God understands that we have tough days? Jesus came to Earth as a man; he experienced bad days as well. Trust me it is not just you.
Sometimes as Christians, we can forget that as real as God is, so is the devil. It is a pretty harsh reality, but it is true. The devil knows you are having a bad day and will kick you when you are down; his only job is to kill, steal, and destroy.
God, however, comes to give life and life abundantly. When we have the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords fighting on our side, we can have confidence in knowing that even in the bad days our God will fight for us.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean your life will be easy, but God does promise that he will fight for you.
In Isaiah 54:17 it says, “No weapon formed against you will prosper, because I am for you.” This is a promise from the Lord, that no weapon formed against you will prosper because he is for you.
This means that no bad day or knock down from the devil, or whatever your situation may be, your God will not let it succeed to destroy you.
This requires you to surrender yourself to the Lord, give him all of your issues, fears, and worries, and no weapon or power of hell will succeed.
So next time a bad day is getting you down, when you feel that everything is against you, remember that no weapon formed against you will prosper because God is for you.
Surrender your all to God; he knows when times are tough, but he also promises that he will fight for you.
One bad day without God could break us, but everyday with him is what makes us.
About this Plan

Our relationships are one decision away from sinking or swimming. Every decision we make can break or make the relationships that we have with people and with God. How can we strengthen the relationships we have and be someone who people want to get to know.