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Fly High with JesusNäide

Fly High with Jesus

DAY 2 OF 3


Know Your Destination 

When Saul, a hater of believers, encountered Jesus, one of the first things to happen was that God revealed His plan and vision for Saul’s life. With that direction, he become a mighty voice for Jesus.  

"But the Lord said to Ananias, 'Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name'.”  Acts 9:15,16 NIV

What is a vision?

A vision is something that gives direction to your life. It defines God’s calling for your life.

Why is it important to have a vision?

To be without vision and direction is like boarding a flight without knowing the destination. When Paul received the vision for his life he knew exactly where he had to go and what he had to do, as the Holy Spirit led him. . 

When you receive God’s vision for your life, fulfilling that vision will become the purpose and mission of your life. Every choice you make will be influenced and driven by this God-given vision for your life.

This vision is not just for you. When you choose to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, He desires to use you to bring nations and generations, your circle of influence, to the Light of God.

How do we receive this vision?

After his conversion, Paul sought solitude with the Lord to understand this vision God had for his life. Seek the Lord. That’s where we start. 

When God gave me a glimpse into His vision for my life, it changed my perspective. It was like I got a new pair of glasses. I could see things clearer. I could walk more focused. My time and energy were being utilized in the right direction. That’s the beauty of a vision—it brings things to order and discipline. 

God may not show you the entire picture, but He will give you what you need to get started. And as you trust Him and keep moving forward, He will expand the vision and make it clearer.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Fly High with Jesus

We often start our journey with Christ with full determination and enthusiasm. However, we soon realize that our journey with Jesus is not without storms or turbulence. Without proper direction, we can soon get lost, confused, or worn out. This three-day devotional is written mainly for new believers. This devotional will give insight to those searching for direction in their new found freedom in Christ.
