40acts: Do Lent GenerouslyNäide

Sometimes a generous life looks like small acts of kindness actioned consistently every day. Elijah Kirby speaks into three actions that he’s taken to bless the people around him – and speaks into how the experience often leaves him the most blessed!
In a busy world, it can be difficult to take the time to reach out. We think of someone, but then life takes over, and other priorities swamp our time. This is why I’ve resolved to message people when I think of them – to send something encouraging, let them know I appreciate them, or highlight a particular quality I see in them.
Why not take a moment today to do the same?
A few years ago, I took my family on holiday. We had such a great time. As a way of saying thanks for the brilliant service we received, I thought it appropriate to leave a review. I forgot all about that review until one day I received an email from the review site, congratulating me on reaching over 25,000 views from people who, I assume, were also considering holidaying at the same place. Amazing!
Today’s act of kindness is a fantastic opportunity to do something both practical and positive.
In college, I must have held the door open for someone one day, because during an overnight residential, I got talking to a group of guys, and one of them told me he hadn’t been sure about me – until the day I held the door open for him. I was gobsmacked. That very small act – something I hadn’t given any thought to – made him re-evaluate his view of me. We became great friends, and I still count him as one of my best friends to this day.
Pray for attentiveness to the people God places on your heart and the courage to reach out in encouragement and kindness. Ask for eyes to see the small opportunities to bless others – whether it’s a kind word, a thoughtful message, or a simple gesture like holding a door. Pray that your actions, no matter how small, would communicate God’s love and remind others that they are valued and seen.
Take a 40acts challenge today:
- Message that person you’ve been thinking about – send them something encouraging. I’m sure it will brighten their day!
- Why not leave a great review for the restaurant you recently visited, the local coffee shop that knocked it out of the park, or the employee who went out of their way to serve others?
- You might not gain a new best friend, but why not look for opportunities to open the door for those you encounter today?
About this Plan

What if Lent was about more than just giving stuff up? This Bible plan is an adaptation of the full 40acts challenge. Our hope is that as you explore and practice biblical generosity in all areas of your life, you would experience its transformational impact. Each day contains a prompt for one act of generosity on that day's topic, with Sunday reflections summarising the theme of the acts that week.