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40acts: Do Lent GenerouslyNäide

40acts: Do Lent Generously

DAY 1 OF 47


It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Two families – both with six children of similar ages – meet up on a sunny day at a park for a picnic. We had food. They had drinks. But as we got closer I felt increasingly nervous. My friend was the only English speaker in his family and none of us spoke Pashtun. How would we communicate? How would we pass the time? Would they like our food? Would we like their drinks?

I needn’t have worried. Football, blackberry picking, Pringles, and sweet Afghan tea helped us to bond despite the cultural and language barriers. As we said goodbye and the girls hugged each other like they had been friends for a lifetime, I was handed a tiny package. It was a small glass jar packed full of saffron – an expensive spice grown in their home region of Herat.

My friend was evacuated immediately after the fall of Kabul. In his rush to get his family out of danger and to the airport, they had grabbed just a handful of belongings – one small suitcase between the eight of them.

Yet somehow, in the chaos of packing that one small suitcase, he had included gifts. Even in those most extreme circumstances, he was planning to be generous to strangers he would meet in the country that would be his new home.

As Christians, there is nothing we can do to ever pay God back for the sacrifice of his son Jesus that brought us back into relationship with him. But we can pay it forward. Freely we have received, we are told, but it doesn’t end there. Jesus adds two more critical words: “Freely give”.

These words were spoken to Jesus’ disciples as they prepared to go out with the good news. Like them, like my Afghan friends, we can plan to be generous too. Before we leave the house, even if we leave in a rush, let’s remember to grab something to give away – perhaps a chocolate bar, some cash, or a book that has helped you. Freely you have received; freely give.


Pray for a heart that is always prepared to give, even in moments of chaos or uncertainty. Thank God for the abundant blessings you have received and ask for the grace to freely share them with others. Pray for refugees and those who have had to leave their homes, that they may experience generosity, hospitality, and hope in their new surroundings. Ask God to help you live out the words “freely give” through simple, intentional acts of generosity that reflect His love.

Take a 40acts challenge today:

  1. Find a 40acts buddy. Someone to check in with over the next few weeks, both asking how your acts are going and if the other needs help.
  2. Reflect on the blessings that you’ve received in the last week. How can you thank those who have blessed you, or return the favour to others today?
  3. You can find your gifts in the community. Talk with your 40acts buddy or church leadership. Ask them what they think your gifts are, and how you could use them to bring life in and through your church.
Day 2

About this Plan

40acts: Do Lent Generously

What if Lent was about more than just giving stuff up? This Bible plan is an adaptation of the full 40acts challenge. Our hope is that as you explore and practice biblical generosity in all areas of your life, you would experience its transformational impact. Each day contains a prompt for one act of generosity on that day's topic, with Sunday reflections summarising the theme of the acts that week.
