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The Proverbs :: A Guidebook for MenEjemplo

The Proverbs :: A Guidebook for Men

DÍA 22 DE 31

Most of us don’t know or have any connection to a modern-day King.

While there are still some royal Kings in the world, we’ve adapted our language concerning leaders and heads of state to reflect different titles over the centuries. But regardless of the language, the truth within this Proverb is still just as potent today as it was when it was written.

In Proverbs 22, two verses guide us on how the average man can be friends with royalty and recognized before great leaders.

If you’re wondering, “Yes, how do I get that?” King Solomon has a few simple recommendations for you (V11, 29):

  1. Love purity of heart.
  2. Be gracious in speech.
  3. Be skillful in work.

The three critical steps to being brought before and befriending kings are right there. Seems doable, right?

We can easily read through that list and say, “Check, check, check. Show me to the palace, please.” But don’t move too fast. Look closely at each of those characteristics.

Love purity of heart. Can you say that with confidence? Do you deeply desire, fight to protect, and sacrifice consistently for a pure and holy heart? Do you mind your thoughts, your desires, your intentions with vigilance?

Are you gracious in speech? Do you speak life over others, encouraging them, supporting them, talking less about yourself and more about the value, significance, and worth of those around you?

Are you skilled in work? Not like passable or even proficient, but are you tapped out as being the best you can be in the things that God has given you to carry?

Oddly, if we dig into these characteristics, we’ll start to see some gaps. In some way, we each miss the mark on one or more of the three simple things we need to do to be friends with kings.

Here’s the best news. Jesus is the King of Kings. And instead of us having to do things perfectly right to get into his presence, He came into our world. Into our mess. Even into the darkest place of all: our hearts. He changed everything, and by His power, the very same power that raised Him from the dead, we can seek to love purity, be gracious, and do our best work.

When we do this through the righteousness of Jesus, He opens doors no man could open. Not because we need to be around more famous or influential people. But because God is always at work accomplishing His eternal plan of glorifying His name, and He often uses people to do that. You have a King as a friend, King Jesus, and through Him, you can live a transformed life that shakes the world around you.

God, thank You for drawing near when I was desperate for Your presence. Thank You for stepping off Your throne so that I could be welcomed back into Your Kingdom as a loved Son and friend of the King of Kings.


Día 21Día 23

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The Proverbs :: A Guidebook for Men

There is, within every man, a deep desire to do what is right, a longing to navigate all of life's adventures with a clear understanding of what is at stake and the best path forward toward victory. Join the Passion team as we pursue God's promised wisdom through the Proverbs in a holy effort to keep the proper heading.
