Heart of Compassion for KidsEjemplo

It Starts With Compassion
Have you ever had a day when everything went terribly wrong? I mean, it feels like it’s the worst day in your entire life. Your dog ate your homework (talk about gross), your parents are fighting, and your sister got you in trouble for something she did.
Stop and think: After a day like that, how are you feeling?
In today’s Bible story, we’re looking at the Good Samaritan. This may be a story you’ve heard before. A man was traveling to Jericho and got beat up by some not-so-good guys who left him to die on the side of the road. Talk about a no-good day, huh?
Two guys walked by this man as he was on the ground, and they didn’t stop or help him. He was laying there, in pain, hurting, covered in dirt, with no money, and feeling alone.
Until . . .
One more guy passed by, a Samaritan. (Most Jewish people didn’t like Samaritans, and vice versa.) What did he do? He went to the man, cleaned his wound, put him on his donkey, took him to an inn, cared for him, and then paid the bill for the man to stay there. Not only that, but he offered to pay more if the bill ended up being higher.
Think about it! This man was having the worst day of his life, laying there until someone saw what he was going through and showed him compassion.
Every person we meet has a story. We may miss what a person is going through if we never take time to stop, listen, and see those around us. In those times, the Holy Spirit can speaking to our heart about how we can help meet their needs with compassion. We can meet a physical need like helping someone in a wheelchair or maybe taking a moment to listen to someone who needs a friend.
When is the last time you stopped and saw people around you? Who is someone that God might be speaking to your heart about how to help them?
Dear God, thank You for giving us this story in the Bible as a reminder to show compassion to others. Please help me to see people and their needs. Speak to my heart about how You can use me this week to have compassion and help someone. Amen.
© 2023 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
Acerca de este Plan

Hey kids! Are you wanting to tap into God’s heart for people around you? If so, this five-day “Heart of Compassion” plan is for you! Walk with us through Colossians 3:12 and learn about five incredible gifts God has given you to change your world.
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