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Follow the Lamb - 21 Day Study on the Book of RevelationMuestra

Follow the Lamb - 21 Day Study on the Book of Revelation

DÍA 12 DE 21

Day 12: A Prophet Spinning Plates

Scripture Reading:

‘Now I would like all of you to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. One who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be built up.’

- 1 Corinthians 14.5 (NRSV)

There’s a lot to unpack in the verse above; Paul affirms all the spiritual gifts, including tongues and prophesy, but the relevant point here is the last phrase, prophesy exists so that the church may be built up. We are often led astray by the idea that prophesy is all about predicting the future. This gives a false view that we just have to sit back and wait for events to unfold, that if we are privy to the prophesy we can get ready for some future event with prior knowledge. When it comes to the end times, as we’re reading about in the Revelation, this flies in the face of Scripture, which is adamant that this event will be unexpected (Mark 13.32, Matthew 24.44, 2 Peter 3.10, Luke 17.26-30). As always, God calls us to be active participants in his ministry, not smug bystanders. When we read the Old Testament prophets, such as Jeremiah, Amos and Hosea, we see that they are addressing their current situation in their religious and political communities, urging their listeners towards repentance, faithfulness to God, and to the restoration of social justice.

The Revelation speaks about the future, the return of Jesus, the last judgment, and the state we call heaven, the New Jerusalem, a place of joy, worship, wholeness and intimacy with God. It is also, and more challengingly, speaking about the here and now, the ageless and ever-present issues of evil, corruption, persecution and temptation. John’s prophecy is for all places and all times. What we need to take from our reading of the Revelation is how it changes our lives. Like all Scripture, it is the living Word of God, speaking to the Holy Spirit in each of us, helping us discern wrongs in our society and how we are called to resist evil and strive for Godly change.

Some things to think about:

  1. What qualities come to mind when you think about a prophet?
  2. Do you have a mentor or wise friend you can talk to when you need to make decisions about your life?
  3. How would you explain the vision of your local church to a workmate or social acquaintance?


Lord who is ‘el roi’, God who sees me, I thank you that you have a perfect vision for your world. I thank you that you have created good works for me to do. I pray that I always try to be part of the solution to the problems I encounter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Día 11Día 13

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Follow the Lamb - 21 Day Study on the Book of Revelation

Discover the transformative power of Revelation! Join us on a 21-day journey through this often misunderstood book. Gain insight into its powerful imagery, prophetic messages, and hope. Challenge misconceptions, develop fresh perspectives, and deepen your faith. Learn to resist injustice, stand as witnesses to Jesus, and walk in the way of the Lamb. Embrace Revelation's relevance and embark on a life-changing adventure! Approved by Scott McKnight.
