If You're Going Over You Can't Go UnderMuestra
Don’t let the glasses of fear blind the eyes of faith
Here are the disciples in the boat. The storm is raging, the sails are being shredded like paper, the masts are swaying dangerously, water is crashing over the sides, the waves are battering the vessel like hammers, the boat is being tossed around like a child’s toy. Then Jesus appears, coming across the water.
Picture what could have happened. The disciples are so excited they shout aloud, ‘Hallelujah! Praise God! We knew he would come. Glory to God! Here’s the Saviour.’ And they say to each other, ‘We never doubted. We knew he was coming.’ Then they call out to Jesus, ‘Master, Master! Come aboard! We have been waiting for you. We have been praying and expecting something like this.’
There is a song the Jesus people used to sing in the sixties, ‘Here comes Jesus, see him walking on the water, He’ll lift you up, and he’ll help you to stand…’ Maybe the disciples were singing a first century version of that song.
No, of course, there weren’t doing any of those things. They should have been because after all, they were Jesus’ disciples. But what what did they really feel?
They were terrified. When Jesus appeared, they cried, ‘It’s a ghost! It’s a ghost!’ They were scared stiff.
Sometimes we are so afraid, we actually see the wrong thing. We don’t even recognise Jesus when he is there because our fear is too great. Don’t let the glasses of fear blind the eyes of faith.
Fear and faith are incompatible. They don’t go together. You can’t be full of fear and full of faith at the same time. You can’t be both afraid and confident. You have to choose. Even if we are afraid we can still choose to step out in faith. But we can’t hold back in fear and step out in faith at the same time. It’s one thing or the other.
What next?
Using a concordance or word-search find as many examples as you can in the four gospels of phrases like ‘fear not’ or ‘don’t be afraid’. Ask the Holy Spirit to impress one or two of these on your heart today that you could apply to your situation right now.
Acerca de este Plan
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