Victorious LivingEjemplo
Five hundred years after the giving of the promise, the Israelites stood on the banks of Jordan waiting to go over and possess that which God had promised to them. They had wandered around in the wilderness wasting precious time.
Now they were again being offered the land that God had promised would be theirs. Before they went into the Promised Land, a tremendous event took place - God spoke to Joshua. Joshua was a new leader for the people, and before he could lead the people into the Promised Land there were certain conditions to be met.
There are certain similarities within the life of the Christian. Many years might have been wasted in wandering around in a wilderness experience, but there is always much ahead of every one of us still to be possessed.
1. There Must Be A Call – v.1 “The LORD said to Joshua son of Nun”
God spoke directly to Joshua. Joshua had previously learned to recognize the voice of the Lord; for he had worked closely with Moses. Now he had his own call. It is no longer God’s call to Moses that Joshua tried to fulfill; it is now God’s call to himself to lead the nation.
There are many ‘general calls’ in God’s Word that we may all apply to our own lives, but in this instance, a definite personal call was revealed. Examples of general calls as a believe, a disciple of Christ, a witness for Christ, etc.
We must personally know God’s call in our own lives, for it is only then when we have heard from the Lord for ourselves, that we can stand the great pressures that can come upon us, as we seek to fulfill that call.
Paul received his calling to preach the gospel to the gentiles in Acts 22:21 “Then the Lord said to me, ‘Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’”. Paul faced lots of challenges in his ministry, but he did not lose heart because he knew his calling.
2. There Must Be A Commencement – v. 2 “get ready to cross the Jordan River”
We can hold committee meetings, have ministerial seminars, and lectures on Evangelism, but nothing will be accomplished unless we rise up and go forward. We can know it all and still do nothing. The task must be started, or it will never be finished.
Jordan was a barrier to the blessing of the Lord in their lives, they needed to take positive action and cross the river. That was the only way they could know the full blessing of the Lord. It is risky for Joshua to bring the whole nation to conquer the promised land. It takes faith for the ark bearer to go to the flooding Jordan river. But unless they get up and leave their camp and march towards the promised land, they will never get there.
In our lives, we may have a certain call to a community, a market place, or a ministry. We need to take the step of faith towards God’s call in our lives. There is a time when we need to hear God’s call, but there is a time when we need to respond to God’s call by taking steps forward. God promised Joshua that He will give him every place where he set his foot (v.3). Joshua and the Israelites must step out to these places
3. There Must Be Concord – v. 2 “you and all these people”
Joshua could not accomplish the task on his own, not even with the help of his old friend Caleb, who was so full of faith. It needed the unity of the people. Things happen when God’s people unite together. The Mighty Holy Spirit came and filled the waiting disciples when they were with one accord! The land could only be possessed by a united people.
The early church has a great call – to disciple all nations – and faces great opposition from the Jews and the authority. But they lived in unity, helped each other, and had fellowship with one another (Acts 2:44-47), and they grew in quality and quantity.
Disagreement and dissension set us apart and destroy our strength. Challenges could be too big for one to overcome. We need encouragement and strength from others. If someone might overpower another by himself, two together can withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
In your cell group, you need to be united to grow together. In your family, you need to be strong together to move towards God’s promises for you and your family. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).
4. There Must Be A Confidence and A Courage – v.6 “Be strong and courageous”
The Israelites are coming to a new and unfamiliar territory; they have not been there. They are facing strong opposition – the giants in the land. They have to face fortified cities. Too many challenges. Joshua and the people need confidence and courage, and God knows that. He commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous repeatedly with promises.
God promised in v.5 that “No-one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you”
As you ponder on God’s call, you might think – it’s too hard, it’s new to me, it requires lots of resources. You need to rely on God’s provision, God’s resources, God’s strength, and God’s ability. Paul knows this and he says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
• Who speaks louder? Your situation or God’s promises?
• What are you counting on? What you can do or what God can do?
Joshua chose to believe God’s words. He built up courage and confidence based on that. He marched on and he brought the nation to its destiny.
5. There Must Be A Compliance – v.7 “Be careful to obey all the law”
If we expect God to bless us, we must comply with His Divine requirements. It is no use going our own way, and then complaining that God is not blessing us! There must be obedience to the revealed Word of God. That way ensures us of His blessing. God takes us forward step by step. When we are obedient to what He has shown us, then He will show us the next step to take. This is a basic principle in the path of blessing.
The Israelites conquered Jericho when they obeyed but they were defeated in Ai when there is sin in the camp. May we walk in obedience as we march on to our Promise Land. Amen.
Let us continue to have faith in God, remain in His presence, and keep our focus on Him. Allow God to intervene in our every situation and we will experience His miraculous goodness. Amen.
Acerca de este Plan
This plan will remind us that we are called to have a victorious life. This plan will encourage us to continue to depend on God in order for us to have a victorious life.