Work Is A Gift Of GraceEjemplo

The Practical Basis of Grace at Work
Do you ever wonder why we work? We see through the Scriptures that the grace of God was extended to us by giving us the gift of work. However, there are other very practical applications that are evident in the Word of God. God saw to it that through our work, the reality of His grace would take care of the very practical daily needs that we would encounter. God extends grace to us daily in the everyday situations of life. He meets us there with grace and we are able to extend that grace to others.
Initially, we see that through our work, we have the opportunity to care for ourselves. The fact is that those who do not work do not eat. When we pray “Give us this day our daily bread,” what we acknowledge is that our daily bread comes from God. We are dependent upon Him to supply that bread. Yet, a significant way that God supplies our bread is through the gift of our work. We exercise the gift and receive the blessing of being able to eat and survive. We take care of ourselves and others through our work.
God specifically sees the need for families. We work to ensure that our families have what they need. The Apostle Paul says that one who does not provide for his household has denied the faith. The culture of the day was that family members have a duty to care for one another. Even people who do not follow Christ believe in caring for their families. Therefore, Christians who do not work and provide for their families have gone against the teaching of their faith. The example that was set for us was Christ Himself. While He hung on the cross, He called John to care for His mother, Mary.
Ephesians 4:28 says, “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.” There is a direct connection between our work and our generosity to others. We work with our hands and are able to give out of the abundance of that work to those in need. This is God’s grace, which we extend to others.
“Thank you, Father, for giving me a job so that I am able to supply for myself and my family. May You continue to teach me the importance of work. In Your name, amen.”
Acerca de este Plan

Have we ever stopped to think of work in a proper Biblical perspective? Work is what consumes the majority of our weekly and waking hours. Through this plan we will see what Scriptures say about work. Work is a gift of grace from God.
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