
It is easy to believe that you must earn the favor of God by proving yourself worthy of His presence. The God of heaven's descended to earth because nothing we could ever do would be worthy in His presence. By the same token, His sacrifice assured us that there was nothing we could do to that was bad enough to separate us from His will. He stands in the gap, modeling behavior we should embrace.
• Learning your place
• Leaning on grace
• Leading your space
Have you ever felt unworthy? Have you ever wrestled with thoughts of doubt? Role model the behavior of our Lord in the Upper Room. The disciples doubted his model and debated whether they were worthy of having their feet washed by the master. Yet He did. He gently washed and gracefully wiped their feet. The master had become a servant.
The proposal in terms of doubt is to embrace the feet. Look at the scars on the calloused souls of those you love and gently wash them into stars of hope because He first loved us.
In my travels amidst those who serve God's kingdom as leaders in the church, I always model our Lord's model. We do a foot-washing ceremony. In Kenya, amidst the Masai tribe and with the local elders, hierarchy and position dictate prominence. We washed their feet. In India, where the symbol of washing feet is offered as subservience amidst the world views practiced, we washed feet.
We desire that we always bend so low that those we serve can never see our face, and we, in turn, can only see their feet. At that moment, we want them to look over us at the Jesus who sent us.
Whose feet will you figuratively wash this week? Whose feet will you truthfully seek to clean this week? The thought will liberate you. The process will lighten your load.
Acerca de este Plan

In this five-day devotional we will learn to see the principles, practices, and promises of obedience.
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