Cleanse & Purify With Dr. BobEjemplo

Renew Your Mind
We all want God’s good and perfect will for our lives, and the beginning of the year is the perfect time to renew and purify our minds and thought patterns towards Him. Have you ever thought about the fact we have the mind of Christ? The WWJD bracelets became popular because they served as a reminder of actions Jesus would take in a specific situation, but what about WWJT, or What Would Jesus Think? I believe He would begin by having a Kingdom-based mindset pursuing love and compassion for those in compromised circumstances. .
Your mind and thoughts often originate in your brain and in 2 Peter, Peter reminds us that it is right to refresh our memory . Do you have a hard time remembering certain events, why you entered a room in your house, or where you placed the keys? You can help prevent memory loss by making sure you feed your brain plenty of foods and oils rich in omega-3 oils and fats like flaxseed, avocados, coconut oil, and spinach. Foods that can inhibit proper brain function include those containing trans fats, labeled as partially hydrogenated oils, and sugar. Today, ask God to help renew your mind about how you can make wiser health decisions for Him to carry out His perfect will for you!
For more brain-boosting suggestions, click here.
Acerca de este Plan

Begin your year with a logical plan to establish true wellness in your body from the inside out.
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