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Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the BibleEjemplo

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

DÍA 83 DE 90

  • God desires love and unity among believers. Philemon is a snapshot of the reconciliation of a runaway slave and his owner. It shows how the gospel changes everything: in Jesus there is power to change lives and repair relationships.
  • Written from prison, Phillipians records one of the Bible’s most glorious portraits of Jesus. Stop and stare. One day every knee will bow to Him! 
  • In 1 Timothy, Paul writes to encourage the young church leader Timothy. Paul gives clear and helpful guidelines on how to “do church.”
  • The book of Titus is Paul’s encouraging letter to another young church leader named Titus. It emphasizes the importance of correcting false teachings and the pursuit of godly Christian living. Memorize Titus 3:3–7—it’s the gospel in a nutshell!
  • As the community of faith begins to grow and expand, appreciate Paul’s love and concern as he speaks directly to the needs of each of the growing churches.

Día 82Día 84

Acerca de este Plan

Every Word, a Reader's 90-Day Guide to the Bible

Every word of the Bible can be read in 90 hours. This plan will help you follow the overarching story of the Bible with Jesus at its center and includes a chronological reading plan, prompts for each day's reading and supplemental videos from The Bible Project. To read every word of the Bible in 90 days is a worthy challenge and entirely achievable.
