Emblems Of The Infinite King: An 8-Day DevotionalMuestra
The Doctrine of Christ
God became man to trade places with sinners. Sinners deserve death and judgment because of how they’ve betrayed and double-crossed the King. Yet this is the beauty of the gospel: that same “other than” King you betrayed became the “near you” King to rescue sinners like you from their sin. That means Christ, the Death Killer came to die. For his enemies. The sinless one piled up all his people’s sins on his back and carried them up the cross. The very rebels he came to save hammered nails into his hands and feet, pushed a thorny crown onto his head, and suspended him between heaven and earth on two wooden beams.
Why did the Son of God allow this to take place? Because Jesus came to defeat sin, death, and the serpent at their own game. He came to make things right again by having the greatest wrong in the history of the world committed against him. The Death Killer came to deal once and for all with sin and death so that his people might have freedom and eternal life. And he did all of this for you by becoming your stand-in.
Acerca de este Plan
Understanding the key facets of Christian doctrine can help ground Christians in biblical truth. and provide a framework of important answers to big questions about themselves, God, and the gospel. Over the course of eight days, explore each of these foundational doctrines as you follow along on a journey through Scripture adapted from Emblems of the Infinite King: Enter the Knowledge of the Living God by Ryan Lister.