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The JESUS Film 24 Day ChallengeEjemplo

The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

DÍA 23 DE 24

"The JESUS Film 24-Day Challenge: Day 23"


Jesus had been abandoned. His closest friends and disciples had vanished, and the crowds He had taught were now demanding His death. So the Son of God was nailed to a Roman cross—a humiliating death, reserved for the worst of criminals. In the most degrading fashion possible, the only sinless person who has ever lived died for the sins of the people; He died for us. The Pure One died for the impure, the Righteous for the unrighteous, the Innocent for the guilty (Luke 23:47).

While He was hanging on the cross, Jesus still sought to save the lost. He was crucified along with two criminals, and the crowd gathered beneath them shouted abuse and scorn. One of the criminals, hanging on his own cross, still came to Jesus’ defense, and then reached out to Jesus for help. In His agony, Jesus still chose to fulfill His divine purpose of redemption—He replied in love, “You will be in Paradise with me.” Shortly afterward, Jesus died.


  • Contrast the responses of the criminals crucified on either side of Jesus. What would have happened if Jesus had taken the one criminal’s suggestion and come down from the cross?
  • How do Jesus’ words, “today you will be in Paradise with me,” show His authority? Why do you think He acted so graciously?
  • Think about Jesus’ last words, “Father! In your hands I place my spirit!” What does this teach us about how we should die?
  • Describe how you think the disciples felt when Jesus was crucified and buried. Why is it so important for us to see our trials in perspective?


Thank You, Father, for Jesus. Thank You that He came and lived the perfect life, and that He was willing to die a horrible death as a sacrifice for sinners. I know He is innocent, and I confess I am guilty. I know salvation is only possible because of His pure sacrifice on my behalf, and I choose to put my trust in that sacrifice. I’m so grateful that because of Jesus, I can be considered righteous before You.

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Día 22Día 24

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The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

Whether you are a believer in Christ, simply interested in investigating the Christian faith, or even a skeptic, let me give you what I call the 24- Day Challenge! The book of Luke has 24 chapters, so my challenge to you is to simply read one chapter a day for 24 days. There is no substitute for being exposed to this first-century, first-hand account of the life of Jesus Christ. - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of The Moody Church
