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DÍA 4 DE 18

 Word of the Day: Power

Definition: The ability or right to control people or things; the ability to act or produce an effect; possession of control; authority or influence over others (Merriam-Webster, 2015). 

Power is something that can be a double-edged sword. With it, you can acquire success and reach heights unimaginable. However, when abused, power can destroy everything that was once built. There are countless examples in history of mankind’s struggle with power, even in the Bible. I believe it is another attribute that God allowed us to have, yet we abuse it. We can abuse power by over-using it or by  not using it at all. There is a lack of balance. Power can be used excessively by someone who feels the need to announce their position/title and justify their detrimental actions by the same reason. On the opposite end, someone who has no self-control and lives their life carelessly can be viewed as not using the power that God gave us. “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). 

With power comes responsibility, and we have the ultimate example before us. God has all power. He is the giver of power. “And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power” (Ephesians 1:19). How wonderful is it that He would trust us with such a gift?! We owe it to God that much to not over-indulge and to do right by this gift. It sounds like a major responsibility to you because it is. God is the source of power who entrusted us with it, and we owe it to Him to not abuse it as much as we can. 

Action: If you are in a position of power, whether at work, school, or home? Think of times that you may not have set the best example as a leader. What can you do to improve and demonstrate that you are capable of being in the position of power without abusing it?

Prayer: Most gracious Father, we acknowledge You as All-knowing and having all power. Thank You for making us in Your image and trusting us to give us power. We ask that You help us to balance and gain control over the power that You have given us. We pray for strength in the areas where we are weak. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Affirmation: I have enough self-control to properly use the power that was given to me.


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This devotional consists of reflections on key, defined words from various sources that will require you to conduct a personal examination of your own behaviors, with the intent of gaining a new perspective. You will also evaluate and acknowledge the grace and mercy God shows us as we navigate through our journeys as believers in Christ.
