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God’s GrandeurEjemplo

God’s Grandeur

DÍA 1 DE 7

God is the Center of Attention

Can you think of a better visual aid to get your attention than the Sun? You cannot escape from its grandiosity and power for at least twelve hours of every day. It does not matter where you are or what you are doing, the Sun is there, reigning sovereignly in the mighty sky. 

Undoubtedly, when the psalmist was writing Psalm 84 he had a very clear and simple idea in mind. His purpose was to show us how important God is. The psalmist was affirming that the Heavens declare God’s glory and that God is like the Sun. Mighty, overpowering, sublime, God is above everything else that we can see or touch. God is the creator of the Sun, and if God’s creation is so powerful, just think about how strong and magnificent God is. Consider this, and let this image become the focus of your day and life. 

God is so much more than the Sun. He is the creator of everything; therefore, He should be the center of our focus and attention. Our most profound satisfaction should not be found in what we do or in the things we own. Our deepest satisfaction should be found in the companionship of God. If God is not the center of our lives, then sooner or later we will start looking for satisfaction in other places. The problem is not that we may love our jobs, family, friends, or hobbies too much, but that we may be loving God too little. In John Calvin’s words, “Man’s nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols.” We tend to make idols out of good things and forget that we should love God first. He must be the center of attention

I wonder if this is true for our lives today. Is God the center of our lives? The focus of our attention? Usually, when this is not the case we will feel empty, unsatisfied, and alone. If this is how you are feeling today, or if you know in your heart that God and His kingdom are not the number one priority in your life, I urge you to meditate on the fact that the creator of the Sun sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth to die on the cross for you and me. That is how important you are to Him.

Thought of the Day

Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, our lives are to revolve around the Son. Jesus is the only one who truly deserves to be the center of your attention.

 For more information regarding this devotional, please follow this link https://houstonsfirst.org/the-loop/message/gods-grandeur