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3d Coach

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My Master Coach


When Jesus of Nazareth launched His ministry in Judea around 27 A.D., He immediately drew attention to Himself by virtue of the miracles He performed and the unique Gospel that He taught. Jesus did most of His teaching in three places: (1) at the water’s edge; (2) on a hillside or mountainside; and (3) inside the church, which at that time was the Temple.

The Jewish leaders of the day were like today’s first-dimension coaches. From their perspective, salvation was based on performance. But Jesus talked about the heart. These Pharisees and Sadducees had been so stuck in the first dimension that they didn’t recognize that Jesus was presenting them with a better way. The answer was staring right back into the eyes of their souls.

Here comes Jesus—the “Master Coach.” The first thing He did was put together a team of 12 men. That sounds a lot like the average-sized basketball squad. See if this sounds familiar. Jesus had three team captains (Peter, James and John). He had one loud mouth that always spoke out of turn (Peter). He had some incredible talent (Matthew was good with money; four of His team members turned out to be pretty good writers). These 12 disciples were His team that He took on a journey. 

Jesus’ ministry on earth was very short. Most Bible scholars believe that it lasted just three-and-a-half years. But those three-and-a-half years were packed with powerful teachings that would impact the world for the next two thousand years and beyond. Jesus spent about the same amount of time that you have with an average four-year class. He showed us that as coaches we can model and mentor kids over a relatively short period of time. The great missionary Amy Carmichael said, “We have all eternity to celebrate our victories, but only a few short years to win them.”

Most importantly, Jesus displayed a different kind of leadership. He showed what perfect servant leadership and discipleship look like. Jesus unselfishly gave His close circle of followers all the tools they would need to carry on after He was gone. Jesus took time to mentor them and to instill life-giving principles they would share with the masses.

As a coach, you have the incredible opportunity to impact young people in a way that could change the trajectory of their lives. It’s a humbling but equally rewarding calling should you choose to accept it. 


1.  How can your Master Coach teach you how to become a 3D Coach?

2.  Just like Jesus’ ministry, we have only a few short years to influence our athletes. How can this perspective change the way you coach?

3.  List five characteristics of Jesus’ leadership. How can these help you coach beyond the first dimension?


“Dear Father God, I realize You have given me the opportunity to impact my players eternally. I am humbled and honored that You have called me to coach. Shape me into the coach You desire. In Jesus’ name, amen."

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3d Coach

Dr. Jeff Duke has been coaching athletes and coaches for over 40 years. He is the author of the best-selling book, 3D Coach: Capturing the Heart Behind the Jersey. If you are a coach at any level, the 3D Coach Reading Plan will help you capture the hearts of your athletes. Becoming a 3Dimensional Coach (body, mind, spirit) will move you from being a transactional coach to a transformational coach.
