Celebrating CreationEjemplo

How small and great we are
Imagine yourself to be standing and looking at your favourite scenic spot. Mine is at some rocks on a beach where the waves are thundering, crashing, spraying, and making miniature rainbows.
It is easy to be enthralled by the beauty of creation. The soaring mountains, the crashing waves, sunlight on the dewdrops, moonlight on the water, and the innumerable shades and hues of green! How awesome and majestic! All of creation is nothing but a signpost pointing toward our LORD.
When my awareness of God's presence and greatness is dulled, it is always good for me to get out into the beckoning spaces of His creation. The bigger picture leaves one breathless and awe-filled, but it can also leave one feeling small and insignificant.
In Psalm 8 the Psalmist goes through this process. He experiences the enormity of creation and at the same time his own smallness.
He writes:
3 When I look up at the heavens, which your fingers made,
and see the moon and the stars, which you set in place,
4 I think:
"Of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them?"
"Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them?"
He is then filled with wonder that in spite of the glory of the created world, God is especially interested in us. Both discoveries are important:
- When we are filled with a sense of our own importance, intimidated by the size of our problems, or over-impressed at our own achievements then the revelation of creation cuts it all down to size.
- Strangely enough, when confronted with such awesome and great beauty one often feels more alive than ever before. As though our heart beats more loudly in our chests. I believe that this is not us finding God in Creation (as though God could get lost!!!) but God finding us!!! We are very important to Him and He uses His creation to seek us out!
When last have you let Him find you?
Acerca de este Plan

This plan considers the doctrine of Creation. We'll look at the accounts of creation, some of the principles of creation, what Providence is, what creation teaches us, what our responsibilities around creation are and how creation helps us to worship the Creator!
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