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Psalms 60

Lament After Defeat in Battle
1For the leader; according to “The Lily of.…” A miktam of David (for teaching), 2when he fought against Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah; and Joab, coming back, killed twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.#2 Sm 8:2, 3, 13; 1 Chr 18:2, 3, 12.
3O God, you rejected us, broke our defenses;
you were angry but now revive us.
4You rocked the earth, split it open;#Ps 75:4; Is 24:19.
repair the cracks for it totters.
5You made your people go through hardship,
made us stagger from the wine you gave us.#Ps 75:9; Is 51:17, 21–22; Jer 25:15.
6Raise up a banner for those who revere you,
a refuge for them out of bow shot.
7#These verses occur again as the second half of Ps 108.Help with your right hand and answer us
that your loved ones may escape.
8#I will…apportion…measure out: God lays claim to these places. The valley of Succoth: probably the lower stretch of the Jabbok valley.In the sanctuary God promised:
“I will exult, will apportion Shechem;
the valley of Succoth#I will…apportion…measure out: God lays claim to these places. The valley of Succoth: probably the lower stretch of the Jabbok valley. I will measure out.
9Gilead is mine, mine is Manasseh;
Ephraim is the helmet for my head,
Judah, my own scepter.#Judah, my own scepter: an allusion to the Testament of Jacob, Gn 49:10.
10#Moab is my washbowl: Moab borders the Dead Sea, hence a metaphor for the country. Upon Edom I cast my sandal: an ancient legal gesture of taking possession of land.Moab is my washbowl;
upon Edom I cast my sandal.#Moab is my washbowl: Moab borders the Dead Sea, hence a metaphor for the country. Upon Edom I cast my sandal: an ancient legal gesture of taking possession of land.#Ru 4:7–8.
I will triumph over Philistia.”
11Who will bring me to the fortified city?#The fortified city: perhaps Bozrah, the fortified capital of Edom, cf. Is 34:6; 63:1; Am 1:12.
Who will lead me into Edom?
12Was it not you who rejected us, God?
Do you no longer march with our armies?#Ps 44:10.
13Give us aid against the foe;
worthless is human help.
14We will triumph with the help of God,
who will trample down our foes.

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Psalms 60: NABRE





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