Luke 20
Cum intrasset dominus in templum. accesserunt ad eum principes sacerdotum ⁊seniores populi dicentes. In qua potestate hec facis
1Þa wæs ane daige geworden. þa he þt folc on þam temple lærde ⁊heom bodede. þa comen þare sacerde ealdres ⁊þa bokeres 2⁊to him cwæðen. Sege us on hwilcen anwealde wyrcst þu þas þing. oððe hwæt is se ðe þisne anweald þe sealde. 3Þa cwæð he heom to andswere ⁊ich acsige eow an word. andswerieð me; 4wæs iohannes fulluht of heofene hwæðer þe of mannen. 5Ða þohten hyo betweox heom ⁊cwæðen. Gyf we seggeð þæt he syo of heofene. he cweð to us hwi ne gelyfde ge hym. 6Gif we seggeð þæt he syo of mannen eall folc us hænð. hyo wisten gere þt johannes wæs witege. 7Þa andswereden hyo þt hyo nesten hwanen he wæs. 8Ða cwæð se hælend to heom. ne ic eow ne segge on hwilcen anwealde ich þas þing werche. 9He ongan þa þis bispell to þam folke cwæðen.
Homo quidam plantauit uineam et locauit agricolas
Sum man plantede wingeard ⁊hine sette mid tilien ⁊he wæs heom feor manegen tide. 10Ða on oðre tide he sende his þeow to þam tilian þt hyo hym sealden of þas wingeardes wæstme. þa swugedon (sic) hyo þanne ⁊ydelne hine forleten. 11Ða sende he oðerne þeow. þa byeton hyo hine and mid teonen gewæcende hine forleten ydelne. 12Þa sende he þridden. þa wurpen hyo ut þæne gewundenne. 13Ða cwæð þas wingeardes hlaford hwæt do ich. ich asende minne leofne sune wenunge hine hyo forwandiað þanne hyo hine geseoð. 14Ða hine þa tilian geseagen hyo þohten betweoxe heom. and cwæðen. Her ys se earfednyme; cumeð uton hine ofslean. þæt syo ehte ure byo. 15⁊hyo hine of þam wingearde awurpen ut ofslægen. Hwæt deð þes wingeardes hlaford. 16He cymd ⁊forspilð þa tilien ⁊syld þane wingeard oðrum. Hyo cwæðen þa hyo þis gehyrden þt ne ge ne (sic) wurðe. 17Þa beheold he hyo ⁊cwæð. Hwæt is þt awriten ys. þane stan þe þa werhtan awurpen. þes is geworðen on þare hernen heafod. 18Elc þe fyld ofer þane stan byð forberst; ofer þane þe he fyld. he tocwest. 19Ða sohten þare sacerda ealdres ⁊þa bokeres heora handa on þa tide on hine wurpen ⁊hyo adredden heom þt folc. Soðlice hyo ongæten þt he þis bispel to heom cwæð. 20Þa senden hyo mid searwun þa þe hyo rithwise læten þt hyo hine gescyldeden ⁊þt hyo hine sealden þan ealdren to dome ⁊to þas deman anwealde to fordemænne. 21Ða axoden hyo hine ⁊cwæðen. Lareow we wite þt þu rihte specst ⁊lærst ⁊for nanen men ne wandest. ac godes weig on soðfæstnysse lærst. 22is hit riht þt man þam caisere gafol sylle þe na. 23Ða cwæð he to heom. þa he heore facen ongeat. Hwy fandige min. 24Tewiæð me ænne panig. hwas anlicnysse hafd he; ⁊ofergewrit. Ða cwæðen hyo þas caiseres. 25Ða cwæð he to heom. Agyfeð þam caisere þa þing þe þas caiseres sende ⁊gode þa þing þe godes synde. 26Þa ne mihten hyo his word befon beforan þam folce. þa swugedon hyo wundriende be his andswere. 27þa genehlacten sume of þam saduceen. þa ætsaceð þas æristes ⁊axoden hine 28⁊cwæðen. Lareow moyses utwrat gyf hwas broðer byð dead ⁊wif hæbbe ⁊sye byð buten bearne þæt his broðer nyme hys wif ⁊his broðer sæd awecce. 29Seofen broðren wæren ⁊se forme nam wif ⁊wæs dead buton bearne. 30Ða nam se oðer hye; ænd wæs dead buten bearne. 31þa nam se þridde hy ⁊wæs dead buton bearne ⁊swa ealle seofene ⁊nan Note: MS. nád. sæd ne lefden ⁊wæren deade buton. 32þa ealre ytemest wæs þt wif dead. 33On þam æriste hwilces heores wif byð þt. 34Þa cwæð se hælend to heom þisse worulde bearn wifieð ⁊byð to gyfton gesealde. 35ða ðe synde þare werulde wurðe ⁊æristes of deaðe ne gyftiað hy ne wif ne lædeð. 36ne ofer þt sweltan ne magen ⁊hyo synden soðlice ænglen gelice ⁊hyo synden godes bearn. þanne hyo synden æristes bearn. 37forþam þe soðlice deade ariseð ⁊moyses atewde wið ænne beigbeam. swa he cwæð. Drihten abrahames god ⁊ysaacs god ⁊iacobes god. 38nys god deadre ac libbendra; ealle hyo him libbeð. 39Ða andswerede him sum þare bokere ⁊cwæðen. lareow; wel þu cwæðe. 40⁊hyo hine leng ne dorston ænig þing axien. 41Ða quoth. he to heom. Hwi seggeð hyo þt crist sy dauiðes sune. 42⁊dauid cweð on þam sealme. Drihten sæde to minen drihtne. site on minen swiðren healfe 43od þt ic asette þine feond to fotscamele þinre fote. 44Dauid hine cleopeð drihten ⁊hu mæte is he his sune. 45Þa saigde he his leorningcnihten ealle folce geherende. 46Warnieð eow wið þa bokeres. þa þe willeð on gegyrlan gan ⁊lufige gretunge on stræte ⁊þa yldest settl on gesamnungan ⁊þa formen þeninge on gebeorscipen. 47þa forswelgeð wudewena Note: na is repeated here above the line. us hiwgende lang gebed. þa onfoð mare genyðerunge.
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Luke 20: ASxG

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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.