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Lamentations 5

A Prayer for Restoration
1Remember, O  Lord, what has come upon us;
look, and see our reproach! # Ps 44:13–16; La 3:61
2Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers,
our homes to foreigners. # Isa 1:7; Zep 1:13
3We have become orphans and fatherless;
our mothers are like widows. # Ex 22:24; Jer 18:21
4We must pay for the water we drink; # Isa 3:1
our wood is sold to us.
5Our pursuers are at our necks;
we labor and have no rest. # Ne 9:36–37
6We have given our hand to Egypt and to Assyria, # Hos 9:3; 12:1
to be satisfied with bread.
7Our fathers sinned and are no more, # Jer 16:12; 31:29
but we bear their iniquities.
8Slaves rule over us;
there is no one to deliver us from their hand. # Ne 5:15; Zec 11:6
9We get our bread at the peril of our lives,
because of the sword in the wilderness.
10Our skin is hot as an oven, # Job 30:30; La 4:8
because of the terrible famine.
11They ravished the women in Zion, # Isa 13:16; Zec 14:2
the virgins in the cities of Judah.
12Princes were hung up by their hands,
the faces of elders were not honored. # Isa 47:6; La 4:16
13Young men ground at the millstones; # Jdg 16:21
boys staggered under loads of wood.
14The elders have left the city gate,
the young men stopped their music. # Jer 7:34
15The joy of our hearts has ceased;
our dancing has turned into mourning. # Am 8:10
16The crown has fallen from our head; # Ps 89:39; Jer 13:18
woe to us, for we have sinned!
17For this our heart is faint; # Isa 1:5; La 2:11
for these things our eyes grow dim;
18because of Mount Zion, which is desolate, # Mic 3:12
with foxes walking upon it.
19You, O  Lord, remain forever; # Ps 45:6
Your throne endures from generation to generation. # Ps 102:12
20Why do You forget us forever,
and forsake us for so long a time? # Ps 13:1; 44:24
21Restore us to Yourself, O  Lord, that we may return! # Ps 80:3; Jer 31:18
Renew our days as of old,
22unless You have utterly rejected us,
and are very angry with us. # Ps 60:1–2

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Lamentations 5: MEV





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