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Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3Muestra

Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3

DÍA 6 DE 6

Dealing with Pride 

The third test—dealing with pride and putting ourselves first.  

Satan thought he could tempt Jesus by offering Him great power—and bypassing the cross.  He did not realize that it angered Jesus greatly.  Have you ever seen something that made you sick in your stomach?—that is what Jesus felt.  The thought of worshipping anyone other than the Father—it was just awful to Jesus.

In one sense this was probably the easiest test for Jesus to overcome, because of His great love for the Father.  There was just no way He would listen to it.

For us, this is much harder, because we just do not love God enough to reject everything that tries to take His place.  Still, the answer to this is to get to know His heart—You will find it wonderful, and nothing else even comes close.

Time to Pray

Father, I remember the day I was tempted by someone to do something—and it made me almost sick to even think they felt I was interested.  I still remember how strongly I rejected it.  Father, I want to do that with pride as well.  I want to be so offended by pride that I reject it this strongly.  I want to love humility and Your heart so much that nothing can compare.  I know that it comes by getting to understand Your heart better each day.  So show me Your heart today.  Reveal it and give me a love for You that is greater each day.  Then help me give it out freely to my world.

Father, then have Your angels take care of me too.  In Jesus’ name Amen.         

Día 5

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Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 3rd of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. We begin the ministry of Jesus and then we listen to Him explain the initial rules of the Kingdom of God. 
