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Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3Muestra

Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3

DÍA 3 DE 6

 Jesus’ Ministry in a Nutshell 

This is an amazing description of Jesus and His ministry.

—He went throughout Galilee releasing the good news of God’s kingdom

—He healed every disease and sickness

—He had followers from the whole region, beyond the region of Galilee

—People were willing to come to hear Him, be blessed by Him and follow Him

This is a summary of His ministry.  Tomorrow we start looking at His message—Matthew 5-7.  Then we will look at the miracles He does, the parables He speaks, and the crowds that follow.  

Time to Pray

Father, a quick picture tells us so much about what will come in this story of Jesus.  At times we get all caught up in the details and forget the big picture.  Here I see it clearly.  The details will be full of great truths, incredible insight and wisdom.  I do not want to miss this though—Jesus changed the lives of people.  Father, give me that kind of ministry I pray.  I want people to see You and Your power to bring change—use me for this I pray.  In Jesus’ name Amen. 


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Jesus Chooses Who?—Disciple Makers Series #3

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the 3rd of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. We begin the ministry of Jesus and then we listen to Him explain the initial rules of the Kingdom of God. 
