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Day-by-Day Chronological Reading Plan, a 7-Day IntroductionMuestra

Day-by-Day Chronological Reading Plan, a 7-Day Introduction

DÍA 7 DE 7

What a week of readings! We have celebrated God’s greatness in Psalms. We’ve moved from God’s creating the universe and humanity, to the fall and then to the flood, and on through many generations. These accounts of our shared ancestors cheer us (because we too bear God’s image) and shame us (because all our ancestors were rebels). God’s saving plan, revealed in the rest of Scripture, is necessary because we cannot save ourselves.

Thank You, God, for these accounts describing both the origin of my race and the awfulness of sin against You. O God of creation, I praise You for Your greatness and Your goodness. You wisely made all things and gave the earth to humanity to care for it. I submit myself to You again today as my loving Creator. Thanks for the privilege of bearing Your image. Help me never forget the glory and the guilt of being Adam and Eve’s descendant. Amen. 

Día 6