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Day-by-Day Chronological Reading Plan, a 7-Day IntroductionMuestra

Day-by-Day Chronological Reading Plan, a 7-Day Introduction

DÍA 2 DE 7

Psalm 8, a reflection on Genesis 1–2, describes our worth and responsibility as human beings. Think about what this psalm means for us as modern believers. Notice the first and last verses of the psalm; God is the real focus here.

Meditate on the description of God in Psalm 104:1-9 and notice how the psalmist responds to God in verses 33-35. The psalms often use rich word pictures to communicate truth.

  • How did the author paint a picture using word pictures?
  • Notice how the words of John 1:1-3, which speak of Jesus as the Word, echo Genesis 1:1.
  • Read Genesis 1:1 again in light of John 1:1-3 and take a moment to worship Jesus as the Creator of all that is.
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