Will I Go to Heaven? 3 Days to Confidence in SalvationSample

Solid Ground
Picture two scenes. In the first, a confident person steps out on a lake covered in ice. The ice is thin. His confidence is misplaced, and he goes down. In the second, a very nervous person moves hesitantly onto solid ice. She moves slowly because she is afraid that the ice might break. But she has nothing to fear. The ice is thick. Her safety does not depend on the strength of her faith, but on the strength of the ice.
Your salvation does not depend on the strength of your faith but on the strength of your Savior.
If you want to cultivate a confident and joyful anticipation of heaven, the question to ask is not “How strong is my faith?” or “How warm is my heart?” or “How deep is my commitment?” These questions keep you looking at yourself, and that will only raise more questions!
Instead ask, “Is the blood of Jesus Christ rich enough and strong enough to wash away every sin and to cover every weakness, failure, and inadequacy in my life from now until the day I arrive in the presence of God?” The answer to that question is “Absolutely, without question or hesitation, yes!”
Jesus Christ died to save you, He lives to keep you, and He will never let you go (Romans 8:32–39). That’s why you do not need to worry about what the future holds. Whatever comes, He will be with you, and He will bring you through.
What event in life could ever separate you from the love of Christ? What power in hell could stop what He is doing in your life? God gave His Son to die for you, and you can be supremely confident that nothing will stop Him from bringing you all the way to heaven.
This study was taken from the book Drive Through the Bible: A 30-Day Journey by Colin Smith. If you'd like to keep learning about the key stories, themes, and concepts found in the Bible, click here to purchase a copy.
About this Plan

Maybe you're not sure whether you will ultimately make it to heaven. You hope that you will, but sometimes you wonder whether your faith is strong enough or your repentance deep enough. This 3-day study by pastor Colin Smith will walk readers through key scripture so they can have confidence in their eternal destiny.