Will I Go to Heaven? 3 Days to Confidence in SalvationSample

Inadequate Answers
If I were to ask you how you know you will spend eternity in heaven, how would you answer?
One answer might be “Because I love Christ.” That’s great, but how deep is your love? Is it always shown in obeying His commandments? You can’t stand with confidence on your love for Christ.
Another answer might be “I have made a commitment.” That’s wonderful. But what happens if your commitment weakens? Would that mean that your chances of entering heaven would diminish too? You can’t stand with confidence on your commitment to Christ.
A third answer might be “I have faith.” Again, that’s marvelous. But how strong is your faith? Are there not times when you struggle with doubt? You can’t stand with confidence on your faith in Christ.
The common factor in these three inadequate answers is the little word I: “I love Christ”; “I am committed”; “I have faith.” And the problem with anything that begins with I is that it is never complete, never what it could be, and never what it should be.
The Blood of Jesus
That’s why we should be supremely thankful that entrance into heaven does not depend on our faith, our commitment, our works, our love, or anything in us, but on the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood,” the Bible declares, “much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God” (Romans 5:9).
If my salvation depended on the strength of my faith or the depth of my love, I could never know what the outcome of my life would be. But, the final outcome does not rest on these things. It rests on the blood of Jesus. This is our solid ground for humble and joyful confidence: we are “justified by his blood.”
About this Plan

Maybe you're not sure whether you will ultimately make it to heaven. You hope that you will, but sometimes you wonder whether your faith is strong enough or your repentance deep enough. This 3-day study by pastor Colin Smith will walk readers through key scripture so they can have confidence in their eternal destiny.