Marketplace Ministry MasterclassSample

Clergy versus Laity Prejudice
Many believers have been disempowered by the mindset that the clergy (those who work for the church or for Christian organisations) is superior to the laity (regular people working regular jobs). But Paul, addressing every believer (not just church leaders) explains that God qualifies us all to be ministers of His new, Spirit-empowered, life-giving covenant. Ministry isn’t confined to those who hold titles within the church. All Christians are called to serve wherever they’re placed.
Still – and sadly – many believers struggle with an inferiority complex, believing that unless they work for a church or a Christian organisation, they aren’t truly ‘in ministry.’ This simply isn’t true. It’s fair to say that 98% of believers operate in a ministry role that finds its dominant expression in the marketplace. There’s no unemployment in God’s Kingdom and we’re all on assignment! Wherever you are, that is your pulpit. Your workplace is your ministry field, and you are a qualified minister of the gospel, empowered by the Spirit to make an impact right where you are.
Revelation 1:6 tells us that as believers we carry the dual ministry of kings and priests. As kings, we represent God on the earth, bringing His rule and influence into the different spheres of our lives. As priests, we represent the earth to God, interceding for and serving those around us, at church or in the marketplace.
Martin Luther wrote, ‘The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays – not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors. The Christian shoemaker does his Christian duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.’ Think about what the ‘clean floors’ and the ‘good shoes’ are, in your work context. You have opportunities every day to worship God through your work as you embrace your identity as a missionary in the marketplace, knowing God has qualified you for this purpose and He’s glorified in the way you go about your business.
May you feel inspired and encouraged to take a fresh look at your work environment. See it as your mission field – your place of ministry. Ask yourself: How can I represent God as a king in this place? How can I serve others as a priest, right here? Remember, you’re not just your job description. You’re a minister of the gospel, called and qualified by God to make a difference in your world.
About this Plan

What does it look like in your Monday-to-Friday work life to bring God’s Kingdom ‘to earth as it is in heaven’? Find out in this six-day reading plan for those called to excel in the marketplace. Whether you’re running a company, leading a team, or just stepping into the professional arena, join David Balestri and learn how to integrate faith and work.