The Bible for Young Explorers: LeviticusSample

Field Guide to Leviticus
- Leviticus is a handbook for Israel’s priests called ‘Levites.’
- It is full of strange laws, rituals, sacrifices, and festivals.
- It reveals how unclean people can meet with a holy God and not die.
Exodus finished with Israel building a special tent for God – the tabernacle. But even Moses could not go inside because God is just too holy (Exodus 40:35). So, Leviticus opens with Moses outside the tabernacle. But by the next book, Numbers, Moses is allowed inside to meet with God (see Numbers 1:1). What made the difference? Leviticus. It gave special instructions to the priests so God’s people could get cleaned up to meet with God. Fortunately, Jesus came as the ultimate Priest. Now, we can enter God’s presence without all the restrictions that Moses and the Israelites faced.