Present-Day Proverbs 31: Work and Worth for WomenSample

Day Two: Stewarding Your Relationships
“Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.” (Proverbs 31:11)
Trust is a pretty important factor when it comes to present-day Proverbs 31 women. Not only do we need those around us to be trustworthy, it’s also important that we’re able to be trusted by those who we love and who love us in return. You might not be married right now, but the principle stands regardless of the relationship we’re talking about here. This woman is trusted. Not only trusted either - in fact, her husband has ‘full confidence’ in her. As we discussed yesterday, don’t see this as some form of impossible standard. We’re humans who can sometimes make mistakes. What I think this verse makes clear is that more often than not, we are to be who we say we are.
The second part of this verse goes on to say that her husband ‘will have no lack of gain’. Interestingly, it seems to be linked to the aforementioned trust and confidence. He appears to have confidence in what she contributes to the household - in so many ways, just like you do - as an element of who she is.
Being valuable and precious doesn’t mean that we’re princesses sitting in idleness, of course. Her husband trusts her enough to know that she has something valuable to contribute and doesn’t want to diminish this or stop this from being seen.
1 Corinthians 12:17-20 spells out to us the importance of specific roles in the body of Christ. In relationships, like that of husband and wife, there are also roles. Them being aware of this and truly adopting it, meant that the roles they both played individually grew them collectively.
As present-day Proverbs 31 women, we’re going to have a number of people close to us whom we add value to and who add value to us. This is something to embrace. Ensuring that the necessary boundaries and self-care strategies are in place when needed, we then have the freedom to explore what looking well to their needs are without fear that in doing so, we’re somehow taking away from ourselves. God is holding onto us tightly and longs for us to flourish in the midst of all he’s given us. This means that Proverbs 31:12 which speaks to the way in which this woman treats her husband doesn't need to feel daunting for us.
How easy do you find it not to fall into the 'comparison trap'?
Verse 27 of Proverbs 31 states that ‘she looks well to the ways of her household.’ What I like about this verse is that it’s her household. Not anyone else’s. It can be so easy to adopt and try every new method and routine under the sun by every guru we read about as we’re scrolling, but the truth is, what’s great for them and theirs, might not be what’s best for you and yours - and that’s okay. Something I like to think about in those instances where the emails are piling up as high as the laundry, and the children’s requests are as loud as everything else going on in my brain is - ‘Where do I need to be present right now?’ This isn’t the same as ‘where do I need to be productive?’ Present might be building a lego tower. It might be leading a meeting. Both are good if they’re what’s good for you and your family at the time. Don't forget that.
About this Plan

Discover how the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 31 can inspire and empower Christian working women today. Over five days, explore themes of worth and work, relationships, mindset, and strength. With practical activations and prayer prompts, this 5-day plan will encourage you to embrace God’s purpose and plans for your thriving in the midst of all of your roles.