Present-Day Proverbs 31: Work and Worth for WomenSample

Day One: Recognising Your Worth and Value
As we embark on the study of this woman who, let’s face it, often receives a bit of a mixed reaction, it’s important to note what this text isn’t. First things first, the Proverbs 31 woman isn’t a real woman. Scholars debate widely around this passage's original purpose - ranging from it being a teaching tool, all the way to it being personification of wisdom in action. Proverbs 31:10-31 is presented as a Hebrew acrostic poem. Each sentence within the passage begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It’s clear, based on the fact that this is God’s word, that we are to learn from this passage. (See 2 Timothy 3:16) However, wherever we land in its interpretation, one thing must be made clear - Proverbs 31 was never meant to be a checklist which we as women measure ourselves up against, fretting when we don’t meet the mark of domesticity or duty.
Instead, this text should bring freedom to present-day Proverbs 31 women everywhere. Stay at home mothers, those working outside of the home, those building businesses – this passage encapsulates it all and so I hope that as you join me in walking through this text, you’ll be encouraged to find yourself in the pages and more significantly, to also find he who formed you.
“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” (Proverbs 31:10)
We begin with what is perhaps the most important lesson of all - Immediately honing in on the woman’s worth with the word ‘precious’, the verse appears to make it pretty clear that not everyone necessarily has the traits which are being described here. The question ‘who can find?’ suggests that this precious woman is few and far between. Although this woman is described as being an extremely skilled and hardworking woman, that is not what takes prime position here. The first thing said about her is that she is precious and valuable. This is important on a number of levels. Firstly it indicates that her worth is not based on what she does. Before anything is mentioned of her skills and talents, her value is given priority.
This should also cause us to remind ourselves of our own worth and value. If we don’t recognise that we’re valuable then we won’t truly own it in our words and our actions. If we disrespect and dishonour ourselves with the things we say about ourselves and the choices we make for ourselves, we immediately give others permission to do the same. This opening verse in our passage instead allows us to be rooted in God’s amazing grace, as we begin to understand that we are not to be recognised as anything less than our worth.
About this Plan

Discover how the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 31 can inspire and empower Christian working women today. Over five days, explore themes of worth and work, relationships, mindset, and strength. With practical activations and prayer prompts, this 5-day plan will encourage you to embrace God’s purpose and plans for your thriving in the midst of all of your roles.